
二胡: Event at the nursery home


Today, I had trouble with my car this morning. I was in a panic, since I had a plan to attend the event at the nursery home.

I attended the event to play erhu with 3 other students and my teacher. When we play at this kind of event, we choose folk songs and familiar songs for the audiences. 

Example of songs:

We also choose easy Chinese folk songs. These songs are not so difficult to play the notes. However, it is difficult to play beautifully. So, it is a good practice for me to play in front of people. In addition, I get nervous when playing in front of people. 

At the previous recital, my fingers were shaking while I was playing. And I hardly have my memory of the moment of the performance. But at the nursery home, I didn't get nervous like that. It was rather fun to play with other students. Moreover, I can see the audience closely and they give us reactions directly. They sang along the folk songs while we were playing. This is different from the recital.

I really enjoyed playing at the nursery home. It was a great experience for me. My teacher recommended me to join the group lesson from this year. As a result, I was able to attend events to play erhu with other students. 

I would like to try my best to play the erhu better next year and continue enjoying playing it. 

By the way, about my car, the tire was flat this morning. My husband told me that a screw was found from the tire. Fortunately, I came home safely from work yesterday and didn't realize any problems with my car. I was lucky that my car's tire didn't burst while driving. I thought afterwards that a serious accident could have happened. 

My day started with a panic today, but I enjoyed my day. Thanks to my husband for dealing with my car. And I'm grateful for the staffs for fixing it. 

I also thank my erhu's teacher and other students. We really enjoyed the event together and hopefully enjoy playing together next year. A recital will be held next summer and I will be practicing for it. Hoping to play my erhu better as possible.

Thank you always for reading my note. I'm leaving for my parents house tomorrow. I probably can't update as usual. May you all have a fruitful year in the coming year.
