
My starting point of erhu

I was busy these days and was forgetting about why I started to play erhu. At first, I didn't even know about the instrument. I remember that I first heard the sound of it on TV and wondered what it was.

Chen Min was the erhu player and I was surprised of the beautiful sound. It was similar to a violin, but had different characteristics. 

She has started the YouTube channel Otorakuen about an year ago. I sometimes watch her online lessons in addition to my monthly lessons. Her techniques are amazing of course. Moreover, her video shows how she face to her skills and I can easily imagine how she teaches her students.

It's wonderful now that there are many chances to learn how to play erhu. When I started playing on my own, I didn't have enough time to go to the erhu's school. They didn't have any online classes either.

Erhu is more known by the public in Japan than before. I realize that I like playing the erhu more than listening to erhu's music. By playing my erhu, I feel relaxed after playing for a while. It's kind of a surprise to feel like that. My erhu's sound is not like a professional sound, but it heals my stressful feelings.

By watching Chen Min's videos, she remind me that it's important to calm myself before playing the erhu. I sometimes have too much strength to play and I get tired easily after practicing.

It's just fun for me to play the erhu. I felt again that I need to make time for playing the erhu. It helps me to recover my both mental and physical health in my daily life.
