
10 SEO Myths Every Blogger Must Avoid ​

Blogging has now become a fashion and it is the best way to optimize your website. Getting higher ranking is the main motive of every business available in the internet medium and there are millions of SEO myths found on the internet that will misguide your SEO efforts. Cure SEO is the top SEO company in Delhi has listed some of the below ten SEO myths that every blogger should avoid during blogging.

Google Hates SEO
In reality, Google has a good relationship with SEO.Google published its own starter Guide and it encourages people to take advantage of SEO strategies to strengthen their online presence. Google Analytics provides a series of SEO reports but these data cannot be used because of its data quality.

You Can Fool The Algorithm
This is interesting and still, some people stick to it but believe me this is not true; you cannot fool the Google algorithm. Google always wants the user to get quality results for their queries so Google changes its algorithm randomly in order to provide the best result for the search.

The More Backlinks You Get, The Better
This is the weirdest myth that people usually follow to boost their ranking but this will not improve your rankings, in case it even results in reducing the quality of your website. Link building is the best trick to improve your visibility on the internet but the links should be in good quality compared to the quantity.

A Matching Keyword And Domain Will Help Your Website To Get Better Rankings.
We cannot predict the Google Algorithm because it changes constantly in order to maintain proper quality. The keyword in the domain doesn't really mean that site has the best replies for the user queries. Google will only crawl the website when it has proper quality content with a hierarchical site structure.

SEO Is All Tricks
This is not true because SEO is not a series of tricks, it is a set of techniques or strategies to improve the ranking of the site. It plays an important role in content organization and delivering greater user experience.

The Internet is full of SEO myths, some of it can even result in reducing the quality of your website if you want to get Good rankings then get help from a professional SEO service agency. We are the top SEO Service Company in Delhi and we provide great SEO strategy to startups, mid-level business to improve their visibility and income.
