
chatGPTを用いたブレーンストーミングWhat causes people to fall or trip up in factories?


Human factor

Aging: muscle weakness or balance problems
Disability: Poor vision or visual obstacles
Symptoms: vertigo, epilepsy, dizziness
Disease: Parkinson's disease, arthritis, or peripheral neuropathy
Alcohol or drug use
Medication side effects
Fatigue or exhaustion from work-related activities
Lack of safety training
Lack of awareness of potential hazards

Working equipment factor

Inappropriate footwear
Clothing that restricts movement
Carrying heavy or bulky objects
Poorly maintained equipment

Environmental factor

Uneven or slippery surfaces (flooring or carpeting, loose rugs, cords, clutter, debris on the floor)
Objects in the walking path
Cluttered spaces, Narrow or cluttered walkways
Poor lighting
Loud noises
Weather conditions
