
【音楽制作note 2022】1.26 "The Musician's Way Memorandum"

“The most important psychological contributor to the onset of performance anxiety is a performer’s concern for, or fear of, the outcome of the performance: that is, the performer’s thoughts become focused on an imagined negative outcome or failure.”
ーStephen D. Curtis (Psychologist)

Klickstein, Gerald. The Musician's Way (p.135). Oxford University Press.
ジェラルド・クリックスタイン 成功する音楽家の新習慣(P.145)

“Confident performance is not a fluke, but the product of imaginative and consistent synthesis of technical and emotional work.”
ーFrank R. Wilson (Author)

Klickstein, Gerald. The Musician's Way (p.146). Oxford University Press.
ジェラルド・クリックスタイン 成功する音楽家の新習慣(P.156)
