
大人の歪んだ鏡に映る子供   気ままなリライト151

When adults' actions and behaviors significantly influence the development of children, who learn primarily through the examples set by adults in their lives, what have they absorbed from the overall environment created by adults during the turbulent period between 2020 and 2022? How impactful are the lessons learned through observation or hands-on experience, both physically and mentally, in shaping who they become?

The analytical data collected by the National Center for Child Health and Development on the health of children who graduated from middle schools between fiscal 2015 and fiscal 2022 revealed a troubling trend. Negative, disillusioned emotions outweighed positive, uplifted ones in the minds of those children, leading to more undesirable health outcomes during the three years from 2020 to 2022 compared with the period before 2020. According to data from nearly 400,000 children, the proportion of obese boys rose from 0.31% to 0.88%, and for girls, it rose from 0.20% to 0.36%. Additionally, the proportion of children with lower body weight and body fat than average increased only in 2022, with a 0.21% uptick for boys and a 0.34% rise for girls. The proportion of children with decreased vision rose in 2020 and 2021 by 2.17 % for boys and by 1.43 % for girls. In 2022, more boys developed near-sightedness, with a 1.80 % increase.

Reflecting on the events from 2020 to 2022, including the state of emergency declarations, it seems that the adult response appeared to tilt at windmills from the perspective of children's instincts. Children were at the mercy of adults who were swayed by the blind majority, driven not by scientific evidence, but by manipulated information from the mainstream media, which had abandoned seeking the truth from various  different viewpoints. Anti-infection measures that most adults believed were effective, such as masks, disinfectants, and shields between seats, became overreactive tools to enforce herd mentality, serving as intriguing lessons for children to learn from. Despite those measures, the number of false-positive cases grew among healthy people, including children, instilling a sense of horror in their minds due to the excessive focus on the less harmful virus. Under the guise of love and care for the vulnerable, the aggressive vaccination campaigns gained momentum, subjecting those with healthy immune systems to clinical experiments with a destructive embrace of the vaccines.

During the self-quarantine period, children's excessive screen time, driven by a quest to uncover hidden truths on the vast expanse of the Internet, may have worsened their eyesight. Their inquisitive minds sought out the information concealed by mainstream media or banned by some social media platforms as misinformation or conspiracy theories. Though this quest came at the cost of developing near-sightedness, it also awakened their minds, granting them insights into what had really happened, why it happened, and who orchestrated it and for what purpose. In their pursuit of truth, they may have felt a need to protect themselves from a potentially dystopian future.
