TOEFL iBT のリスニング問題③ -PRACTICE SET 3-

ほい、というわけでTOEFLの演習/解説の実況中継の9回目、The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test Fourth Editionの Listening Practice Sets のPRACTICE SET 3に取り組んでみたいと思う。このPRACTICE SET 3は講師研修の際に使うことが個人的に多い。難易度はそれなりだが、TOEFLは心理学が頻出テーマの一つなので、リスニング題材としてだけではなく、本当のレクチャーとして味わうのも一興だろう。

Track 05   0:00 ~ 0:05

Listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class. The professor is discussing behaviorism.

研修でも実際の授業でも、最初の direction に注意を払うように指導する。ここでは事前に何のクラスであるのか、トピックは何であるのかに注意を向けるように指導する。これによって



“So, psychology. What kind of study is this?”、”Behaviorism is the study of what?”などの質問を振って、答えさせる。それができたら

psychology → mind/mental
behaviorism → body/physical


1.What is the professor mainly discussing?

〇 The development of motor skills in children
〇 How psychologists measure muscle activity in the throat
〇 A theory about the relationship between muscle activity and thinking
〇 A study on deaf people’s problem-solving techniques


〇 A theory about the relationship between muscle activity and thinking

が正解。最初のディレクションをしっかり聞いていれば分かるし、リスニング中にも何度も何度も muscle と thinking が並列して述べられている。

2.Listen again to part of the lecture by playing Track 6. Then answer the question. Why does the professor say this?

〇 To give an example of a laryngeal habit
〇 To explain the meaning of a term
〇 To explain why he is discussing laryngeal habits
〇 To remind students of a point he had discussed previously

Track 6 = Watson thought laryngeal habits—you know, from larynx; in other words, related to the voice box—he thought those habits were an expression of thinking.

you knowという間投表現がヒント。その直後に来るのは from larynx; in other words, related to the voice box である。ここでは in other words の意味が問われている。受講生には、

”So, in other words. When do you use this expression? Why do you use this expression?” と問いかけて、in other words の用法・用例を引き出す。それができれば

〇 To explain the meaning of a term


3.What does the professor say about people who use sign language?

〇 It is not possible to study their thinking habits.
〇 They exhibit laryngeal habits.
〇 The muscles in their hands move when they solve problems.
〇 They do not exhibit ideomotor action.

Track 5   2:17 ~ 2:46

Student: Professor Blake, um, did he happen to look at people who sign? I mean deaf people?

Professor: Uh, he did indeed, um, and to jump ahead, what one finds in deaf individuals who use sign language when they’re given problems of various kinds, they have muscular changes in their hands when they are trying to solve a problem ... muscle changes in the hand, just like the muscular changes going on in the throat region for speaking individuals.
So, for Watson, thinking is identical with the activity of muscles.

学生も教授も um や Uh などの分かりやすい間投詞を使ってくれているので、設問を目にする前、聞いている最中から「ここは設問に出そうだ」と感じる。実際に出ている。また、hands / hand が少し間をおいて繰り返し言及されていて、これも大きなヒントになっている。仮にこうしたサインポストが取れていなくても、このレクチャーのテーマである「心」と「体」の両方に言及した選択肢を選べば、正解になる可能性は高い。正解は

〇 The muscles in their hands move when they solve problems.


4.What point does the professor make when he refers to the university library?

〇 A study on problem solving took place there.
〇 Students should go there to read more about behaviorism.
〇 Students’ eyes will turn toward it if they think about it.
〇 He learned about William James’s concept of thinking there.

Track 5   3:18 ~ 3:36

Uh, imagine that you’re asked to think of our university library. Well, if you close your eyes
and think of the library, and if you’re sitting directly facing me, then according to this notion, your eyeballs will move slightly to the left, to, to your left, ‘cause the library’s in that general direction.

Uhという間投詞とWellという間投詞が連続することから、これ以降のパートが設問攻略のカギになるとリアルタイムで判断できる。また、講座のテーマが physical かつ mental なものだということも把握しておけば、

〇 Students’ eyes will turn toward it if they think about it.


5.The professor describes a magic trick to the class. What does the magic trick demonstrate? 
〇 An action people make that they are not aware of
〇 That behaviorists are not really scientists
〇 How psychologists study children
〇 A method for remembering locations

Track 5   4:00 ~ 4:25 

think of something on their left; think of something on their right. You get them to think about two things on either side with their eyes closed, and you watch their eyes very carefully. And if you do that, you’ll discover that you can see rather clearly the eye movement—that is, you can see the movement of the eyeballs. Now … then you say, um, “Think of either one and I’ll tell which you’re thinking of.”

two things という数字が聞こえてくるので、サインポストと判断して耳を傾ける。すると以降に eye に関連する語が4回出てくる。短時間でこれだけ繰り返されるのはサインポストだろう。直後の Now の後にポーズが入り、um という間投詞を置いて「片方を考えろ、そしたらどっちを考えてるか当ててやる」という部分を強調している。しつこくなるが、本講座のテーマは ideomotor action = 観念運動 = 考えていることが動きに現れる、である。ここから

〇 An action people make that they are not aware of

action と aware の両方を持つ選択肢を正解だと判断しよう。

6.What is the professor’s opinion of the motor theory of thinking?
〇 Most of the evidence he has collected contradicts it.
〇 It explains adult behavior better than it explains child behavior.
〇 It is the most valid theory of thinking at the present time.
〇 It cannot be completely proved or disproved.

Track 5   4:25 ~ 4:57

OK. Well, Watson makes the assumption that muscular activity is equivalent to thinking. But given everything we’ve been talking about here, one has to ask: are there alternatives to this motor theory—this claim that muscular activities are equivalent to thinking? Is there anything else that might account for this change in muscular activity, other than saying that it is thinking? And the answer is clearly yes. Is there any way to answer the question definitively? I think the answer is no.

実際に講義を担当している時には、”OK. So, what did the professor say? Did he say yes? Or, did he say no?” という質問を受講生に振る。ほとんど全員が「両方」と答えてくれる。そこで、”That’s right. So, let’s check the answer choices. Which one has both ‘yes’ and ‘no’?” と尋ねると

〇 It cannot be completely proved or disproved.

という選択肢が、ほぼ by unanimous decision で選ばれる。

TOEFL iBTの Listening の難易度としては標準的。サインポスト導入・紹介時の研修でよく使うパートなので、個人的には多分100回ぐらい聞いたかもしれない。うちの非常勤腰の先生の多くはTOEFL iBTやらIELTSを敬遠して、英検やTOEICのオファーばかり待っている人が多いが、そうした人たちもこのパートを使った研修を実施すると「なんか教えられそうな気がしてきました」と言ってくれることが多い。教務冥利に尽きる。学校やら塾・予備校業界も、大学入学共通テストで英語民間試験導入が見送られたことに安堵するのではなく、危機感を覚えてほしいもの・・・と脱線してしまった。英語教育云々については、暇があればまとめてものしてみたい。

次は Listening Practice Setsの PRACTICE SET 4を実況予定。乞うご期待。
