
CoderDojo at OIST Interview


Genki(CoderDojo Nago, Representative)

“This time, I would like to hear from Federico-san, a mentor at CoderDojo at OIST(Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology).
Can I ask you how you first came to Okinawa and why you decided to hold CoderDojo at OIST?”


Sure! I came to Okinawa in February 2020, just before the COVID-19 border closure. Before that, I lived in Italy and volunteered at the CoderDojo Trento, which I enjoyed a lot. CoderDojo is a fun place where kids can learn about coding and technology. I noticed that schools don't always make learning about technology fun or easy for kids. But CoderDojo does!
At the end of 2022, after the pandemic, I talked with Ayumi-san about starting a CoderDojo at OIST. This could help OIST connect kids in Okinawa while supporting science and technology. She found out there was already a CoderDojo organization in Nago, started by Genki-san. We joined their events and decided to host one CoderDojo Nago @ OIST event in January 2023. It was a big success! Since then, we've had about 19 more events at OIST, once a month! 
I really admire the effort that Genki-san has put into creating this initiative in Okinawa, allowing kids to explore and learn about science and technology. It is inspiring to see such dedication to fostering young minds and making technology education accessible to all.



“Mr. Federico publicized the event at OIST and organized presentations by scientists and engineers at CoderDojo at OIST. Federico also introduced Makey Makey to the children. I heard that you also held a Scratch study session for mentors. And Federico always supported the children participating.
What are your hopes for OIST's CoderDojo in the future?”


I hope that the CoderDojo activities at OIST will expand steadily in the future. One of the biggest obstacles I perceive is the language barrier, given that most of the mentors only speak Japanese or English (not both). But this is an excellent opportunity to learn each other languages!
From an institutional perspective, I hope CoderDojo Nago will soon have proper recognition at OIST. I recently heard that the OIST Community Collaboration Team informed you that the decision to cooperate with CoderDojo at OIST is expected to be finalized in early August 2024. This is great news, I hope the decision will be in favor of bringing CoderDojo inside the OIST ecosystem. OIST should also try to promote CoderDojo activities (both at OIST and Okinawa) more broadly, perhaps with the help of the OIST Recreation team. There are still many OIST family members, especially those with small kids and teenagers, who aren't aware of this initiative. Alsoit would be great to involve more students, especially new ones, as potential mentors.
The conference center at OIST is still underutilized during the CoderDojo session. I hope that in the future, multiple sessions (targeting different age groups) could happen in separate rooms (while having the introductory and shared sessions together). This could promote more interaction among kids in addition to time spent on individual projects. Also, there are a number of activities OIST organizes which are tightly connected, but currently separated, such as the recent Onna × OIST Children's School of Science



CoderDojo at OIST has great potential. thank you.
Last question, please give a message to the children, parents, and volunteers participating in CoderDojo at OIST. It doesn't matter if it's for people related to OIST, people outside of OIST, or both.


To all the children, parents, and volunteers participating in CoderDojo at OIST I want to say: thank you for being part of this fantastic journey. Whether you're from OIST or the wider Okinawa community, your enthusiasm and curiosity make each session special. For the children, remember that learning to code (and science and technology more generally) is like learning a new language that can help you create and express yourself in incredible ways. For the parents, thank you for supporting your kids in exploring technology and for trusting us with their learning journey. And to current and future volunteers and mentors, your dedication and passion are what make this community thrive. Let's continue to learn, grow, and have fun together!


「今回は、CoderDojo at OIST(沖縄科学技術大学院大学)のメンターであるフェデリコさんのお話を伺いたいと思います。最初に沖縄に来たきっかけや、なぜOISTでCoderDojoを開催することにしたのか教えていただけますか?」

もちろんです!私は2020年2月、COVID-19による国境閉鎖の直前に沖縄に来ました。それまではイタリアに住んでいて、CoderDojo Trentoでボランティアをしていました。その活動がとても楽しかったんです。CoderDojoは、子どもたちがプログラミングやテクノロジーを楽しく学べる場所です。学校ではテクノロジーを学ぶことが、子どもたちにとって楽しいことではなく、簡単でもないことが多いですが、CoderDojoではそれが違います!

「フェデリコさんは、OISTでのCoderDojoイベントを宣伝し、科学者やエンジニアのプレゼンテーションを企画してくれました。フェデリコさんは、子どもたちにMakey Makeyを紹介したり、メンター向けにScratchの勉強会も開催したそうです。そしていつも参加している子どもたちを支えてくれました。CoderDojo at OISTの今後について、どのような期待がありますか?」


OISTでのCoderDojoには大きな可能性があります。ありがとうございます。最後の質問です。CoderDojo at OISTに参加している子どもたちや保護者、ボランティアの皆さんにメッセージをお願いします。OIST関係者、OIST外の方に向けてでも、どちらでも構いません。

CoderDojo at OISTに参加しているすべての子どもたち、親御さん、そしてボランティアの皆さんへ、この素晴らしい旅を共にしてくれてありがとうございます。OISTからでも沖縄のコミュニティからでも、皆さんの熱意や好奇心が毎回のセッションを特別なものにしています。子どもたちへ、プログラミングを学ぶこと(もっと広く言えば科学や技術を学ぶこと)は、新しい言語を学ぶようなもので、自分を表現したり、驚くべきものを作り出す力を与えてくれます。親御さんへ、お子さんがテクノロジーを探求することを支援し、その学びの旅を私たちに任せてくれてありがとうございます。そして現在のボランティア、そして将来のメンターの皆さんへ、皆さんの献身と情熱こそがこのコミュニティを活気づけています。これからも一緒に学び、成長し、楽しんでいきましょう!

CoderDojo名護はみなさまのご支援により運営されています。 継続して活動を続けるため、CoerDojo名護は寄付を受け付けています。