#Peoples #Global #Action: #平等と対等は違いすぎる ( #反社会規範的な絶対主義国家出歩けとする国際秩序思想 ) → #最高指導者カダフィによる市民への攻撃は止まず #グロース・ラウム #カール・シュミットの国家概念再考 - Google 検索

? → #統一アフリカ合衆国構想
#Peregrinus : #好き勝手に想えbarbarus - Google 検索


> 独自に非寛容なWikipedia ↔ 近代国家以前の秩序のあり方:頂点をラテン語が結んでいる、下は何でもあり極めて多言語・多民族状態 → 公定ナショナリズム - Google 検索





Chinese nationalism tends to excessively react to some specific problems which oppose to Japan, USA or West European countries in particular. This “anti-West” sentiment of the Chinese society has been regarded as the “trauma” of invasion by the Great Powers. Yet when reviewing Chinese cognition after the national foundation in 1949, there were the times when Chinese nationalism expanded without connecting to the “anti-West” assessment. For example, despite the rise of “patriotism” in the 1980s, Chinese public opinion took a conciliatory attitude to the Western countries, especially to Japan. Similarly, it was observed that while the nationalism kept on surging, Chinese public sentiments towards Japan continuously improved from 2006 to 2010. These phenomena can’t be explained by a simple logic that “the surge of nationalism promotes anti-foreignism.”

This paper hypothesizes the contemporary Chinese nationalism as multiple political thought in order to examine the dynamism of its “anti-West” logics. Here, the centripetal force of Chinese official nationalism is extracted as the four elements; national identity, socialism, economic development and notion of great power. Using these factors, this paper discusses the mechanism how Chinese nationalism links to the “anti-West” sentiments.

In conclusion, this paper argues that the “anti-West” sentiments is not only an extension of the historical trauma, but it is also promoted by official nationalism. At the same time, however, it is also pointed out two elements of the official nationalism—economic development and notion of great power—functioned to offset the public “anti-West” feelings.


【 反「西洋」のダイナミズム 江藤名保子 著 · 2015 】




> 【公定歩合】 独自に非寛容なWikipedia ↔ 近代国家以前の秩序のあり方:頂点をラテン語が結んでいる、下は何でもあり極めて多言語・多民族状態 → public nationalism 【国民経済計算】 - Google 検索



#ニューヨークの黒人と南米人 #統一アフリカ合衆国構想 #シュミット思想の可能性 - Google 検索
