

dbbbdb 7(コメント投稿者)

The song (and video) is a satire on new age religion. You can find the lyrics for the song on musixmatch (in Japanese), and you can sort of translate them with Google translate.

 この楽曲(及びビデオ)はニューエイジ宗教を風刺したものである。この曲の歌詞はmusixmatchで参照することができるし(日本語だが)、大体の意味はGoogle translateで掴むことができる。

The chorus is about "dolphin therapy" which is a reference to a real thing in new age religions. There is a "dolphin healing centre" in Kyoto. Recently a (new age) book has been published on it called "Dolphin Healing - The Science and Magic of Dolphins". This is why there are so many dolphins in the video and also why the title of the song is "Therapy".

 コーラスは実際のニューエイジ宗教として存在する「イルカセラピー」について歌っている。京都には「イルカヒーリングセンター」が存在している(訳注:このブログで言及されている場所か?)。最近「Dolphin Healing - The Science and Magic of Dolphins」という(ニューエイジ系の)本も出版された。ビデオに数多くのイルカが登場し、曲のタイトルが「THERAPY(セラピー)」であるのはこれが理由である。

The first scene/verse describes someone being knocked out in a wrestling match. The sound of a gong for the wrestling bell, a referee counting up to three and someone "sinking into the mat" are all mentioned. I think the "knock out" here is a metaphor for death/dying, mainly because of the second verse and scene starting at 0:32. The wrestler is what kills us and the question mark on his face is to depict the uncertainty of death.

 最初のシーン・コーラスでは、ある人物がレスリングの試合でノックアウトされる場面が表現される。レスリングの鐘の音としてのゴング、3カウントするレフリー、ある人物の「マット 沈める」という行為で言及される。私はここで言う「ノックアウト」は死・老いのメタファーだと考える。0:32から始まるコーラスとシーンがそう考える主な理由である。レスラーとは我々を殺すものであり、レスラーの顔に描かれたクエスチョン・マークは死の不確実性を表すものだ。

The second scene/verse makes a reference to Samuel 17:31-37 from the Bible. Which is about how David (from David and the Goliath) recalls fending off a bear and a lion to protect a flock of sheep (a metaphor for the Biblical god protecting his followers from the devil/sin). Hench the bear and lion (mentioned in the lyrics), the skull that the lion is standing on and its Egyptian headdress, the Christian crosses and (hell)fire. The lyrics compare the verse from the Bible with a Samoyed dog (the white one featured in the video) though the joke/reference is lost on me. It's either a reference to some specific new age religion in Japan or is making fun of how new age religions often appropriate portions of old religions and twist them in an absurd way. Maybe some Japanese sect told their followers to adopt Samoyed dogs to ward off bad spirits and the song is making fun of it.


The first two parts of the video are about death/dying because people will often flock to new age religion out of fear of death and a lack of meaning in the world. A lot of scenes in the video will make much more sense if you realize that the overall subject is new age religion. The guy on the telly at 1:00 is for example a reference to new age gurus whom perform magic tricks to convince their followers that their teachings are legitimate. Pretty much all the lyrics in the song are references to things new age religions practice/preach, like going into nature as a form of therapy/spirituality.


The last two lines of the song are "Let's see it until we die, we're always like birds". This is not a great translation. However, in many cultures, birds are sometimes depicted as omens for death/dying (the most familiar examples being crows and owls). I think what they're trying to say is that people tend to worry about death too much, and then try to find meaning where there is none. Which is a good note to end the song on.

 楽曲の最後の二行は「ほれぼれ 死ぬまでみたしてよ 僕たちいつも鳥のよう」と歌っている。これはいい翻訳ではない(訳注:投稿者自身の翻訳のこと)。だが、多くの文化で、鳥はしばしば死や老いの啓示として見なされる(もっともなじみ深いのはカラスやフクロウだ)。彼らが伝えようとしたことは、人々は死を過剰に心配する傾向があり、それゆえに何もないところに意味を見出そうとしがちなのだ、ということだと思う。曲を締めくくるにはよい警句だろう。



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