What is the CCNA Routing and Switching exam?

Once you know the agenda and have done several tests, it is time to take the step. Take the official exam to get the Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching certification.

The idea is that you do not arrive at the exam without knowing what to expect, what is the CCNA R&S exam?

The exam code is CCNA 200-125.
The associated certification is CCNA Routing and Switching.
It lasts 90 minutes and consists of 60-70 questions.
It is available in English and Japanese. How is your level of English?

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Most of the questions on the CCNA R&S exam are of the multiple-choice type where you must choose multiple answers. Other questions will pose a simulation of real scenarios in which you will have to find the best solution. In any case, they All require your utmost attention and concentration. And be very careful when answering: make sure that the indicated answer is the correct one because you will not be able to go back to correct an answer.

The minimum qualification to obtain the certification is 850 out of 1000 points (that is, you must correct 85% of the questions). Take it easy! Incorrect answers do not subtract.

This exam allows you to assess that you have the skills and knowledge that define a Cisco Networking Specialist: network fundamentals, LAN switching technologies, IPv4 and IPv6 technologies, WAN technologies, the services offered by the infrastructure, the security of the infrastructure and its management The goal of this exam is to also demonstrate that you are capable of adopting next-generation technologies.

Does this all sound like Chinese to you? Nothing happens. As you enter the training program, you will become familiar with all these terms.

Objective: pass the CCNA Routing & Switching exam

With good prior preparation, passing will not be a challenge:

You are familiar with the CCNA Routing & Switching syllabus, modules and chapters.
Practice as much as possible. Doing an internship in companies can be very helpful.
Familiarize yourself well with the Cisco exams.
Sign up for some CCNA online course
By following these points. , you will soon be ready to take the CCNA Routing & Switching exam. When the day comes, remember to avoid nerves and respond with confidence. Take your time, try to understand the statement, read each question a couple of times so you don' t miss any details and manage the 90 minutes you have well. If you follow these guidelines, you will eventually have time to spare!

I have approved? Go for the CCNA exam

Nobody likes to wait, especially when the stake is so high, right? But in the CCNA Routing & Switching exam you will know if you have passed immediately after taking it. And whether you like it or not, it's a relief.

The printed title that officially certifies you usually takes about 2 months, although, since you pass and have your receipt, you can work as a CCNA certified without any problem.

The price of taking the new CCNA exam is approximately 300 dollars. Keep in mind that Cisco certifications are globally recognized as the industry standard for network design and support. This certification is the guarantee that guarantees your high levels of knowledge and skill as a specialist.

The Cisco CCNA certificate expires after 3 years and requires recertification. Or you can also take advantage to continue progressing with your training at the Cisco professional level and prepare for the CCNP.

Now that you have all the keys, shall we go for the exam?
