
Happy New Year!! 今年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

(Tomoko from mokumoku studio)

Happy New Year!!

mokumoku studioにとって2020年は変化の1年でした。


2020年4月に再始動という形でmokumoku studioを立ち上げました。コロナ禍でなかなか外に出て営業活動ができなかった分、ソーシャルメディアを通じて発表した作品が不思議な縁をもたらしてくれたり。そしてその縁が自信につながったり。人生の不思議を感じると共に、全てのつながりに感謝が深まりました。
みんなが人生や仕事のあり方を考え直さなければならなかった状況の中、mokumoku studioも例外ではなくこれからどう作品を作れば良いのか何度も迷いました。
2021年元日 mokumoku studio
2020 was a year of changes for us mokumoku studio.
We launched mokumoku studio back in April this year. Having been impacted by the pandemic, it was difficult to go out to do PR activities. We were almost forced to show artwork on social media but it brought us some mysterious yet wonderful connection with people, which helped us to be more confident with our work. There were chances to realize how strangely unpredictable a life is and also made us even more appreciate the relationships we have.
A lot of us were pressured to reconsider the path of our lives and the working style. mokumoku also struggled to find out how and what we should create.
Even though the time made us stagger, we want to continue making art pieces which throw light on negligible yet precious individual stories. Like when we find a warm light peeking through curtains. Like when we noticed that the moon light is stronger than the street lights.
In 2021, we would like to nurture our concept while being always reactive to unpredictable chemical reactions which could bring something surprising and interesting.
More importantly, we will continue to make efforts to deliver you good art which makes you smile.
mokumoku studio January 1st, 2021

見ていただいきありがとうございます。 一人で制作していて、noteは息抜きになります。 スキやフォローもうれしいです。