
Chibasilz THTT Liner Notes - The Meaning of Precariousness

Lyrics: Boal and Chibasilz-P
Composition: Boal
Released on YouTube on July 11, 2022

THTT is a song created for a particular Chibasilz fan.

The fan created an animation featuring Chibasilz and uploaded it on Twitter. Upon seeing it, Boal spontaneously composed THTT.

However, the lyrics didn't quite match the music, so Boal sought advice from Chibasilz-P.

Boal asked, "How would you say 'We are barely crossing a precarious edge' in Japanese?"

Chibasilz-P pondered and replied, "危うい...ギリギリ..." From there emerged the lyrics for THTT, filled with a perfect sense of precariousness.

Boal received the lyrics, invited Jim and Gyan, and recorded THTT in just 30 minutes. This short 30-second rock piece was edited as the theme song for the animation and released to the world.

Many praised Jim's cool bassline, and Gyan was satisfied with his energetic drumming.

At that time, THTT didn't have an intro. Later, an intro was added for the YouTube video, creating a new animation that complemented the lyrics' content.

This marked the beginning of Boal's rock-induced adolescent delusions.

Boal seemed extremely delighted with the animation created by the fan. Truly, fans are divine.

With THTT as a catalyst, Early Chibasilz moves on to the next stage. It's the beginning of the second phase.
