

I want you to know what I thought, but on the other hand I don't want you to know anything about me, so I journaled in English. Just feel the vibes and do not read thoroughly.


In the beginning, there was an ocean.
The ocean, which is the biggest organism on this planet, once gave birth to others with mercy.
Then the very last part of nature's work, beyond a long period since the dawn of history, finally now, you and I are here.


During the cruise, I was almost about to be split up into two pieces --- one is the persona believing in humans, and the other is being keen on destroying humans.
Hatred against foolish people had been snowballing in my head (because a lot has happened).
"This world should not be dominated by human beings. We are obviously not qualified to rule the world. We are ruining the beauty and integrity of this planet."
I'd been stuck in those mindsets for several years.


There is a sun. There is a sea. There is a mountain.
What else was necessary? Maybe nothing. Enough, fair enough.
We didn't even need a civilization.


See the aggressive power of waves. It's surging and swelling --- drinking any and everything down. What remains for us? Nothing can be helped. All kinds of things around us are trivial.
Therefore, I felt human beings including you and me, are ridiculously meaningless
(In the first place, with an extreme way of thinking, nothing has a reason to exist, you know).


I'd rather jump into the vortex and want an impulse of death directly on my skin.


On the other hand, for this very reason, people are also lovely. Because they are insignificant and vulnerable, their lives sparkle instantly. It's so sweet to dress up, cherish the seasons, and always struggle against something useless.


At the same time, I do know there have been plenty of great people on this planet. Otherwise, I am not here. To be clear, the point is: Who took me to Awaji and made me consider?
Needless to say, without trains, airplanes, and cars, I couldn't have made it. Great figures have invented the way to work hard on fieldwork. If I hadn't been here at Naruto Kaikyo, I would never have thought these kinds of things. Many are involved in my trip and furthermore, in my life.

Drifted ambivalently, I was pulled by two opposite forces. Torn off by the wave splash...


Well, to be honest, I knew the answer long ago.
I wouldn't conclude that all people are helpless. People are pathetic bullshit but seems to be not always.

Finally, I found there was no choice but to keep striving and try to improve myself, to be a "better" person. Even if the path we've made leads to ruin.

And I still hope so.


1. 奥の島は小豆島
2. 満潮と干潮が交わるところには海の段差ができる
3. 海と山と太陽と(順不同)
4. 蟻地獄のように見えた渦潮
5. 200円のガチャガチャにこんなにも力をもらえることがある
6. キラキラの海が油絵のよう
7. 手前の島は私有地なので勝手に入ってはいけない
