
November 7, 2021:エアコン、買い替えた、サブスクリプション、費用対効果 (Air Conditioner, Replacement, Subscription Services, Cost Performance)

 I bought a new air conditioner for my workroom. It provides me with a comfortable environment immediately after starting the operation.
 My old air conditioner was costly. It broke down in spite that I had not used it so frequently. In particular, over the previous five years, I had hardly used the cooling mode in summer and had less often used the heat mode in winter.
 The breakdown is mainly due to deterioration or my frequency in use. I did not use it so frequently due to the unpleasant air from the air conditioner. I am not sure that I will use the new one more frequently than before. But I still need an air conditioner.
 The solution to the conflict is subscription services of less frequently used air conditioners. It will help to enhance the cost performance. And floor-standing units are preferable to save installation time and cost.
 According to a report, a subscription service is underway in Africa. I hope that similar ones will start soon in Japan.

