
August 15, 2022: Weird Dental Clinic in My Town(ボクの街の変な歯医者)

There is a dental clinic within a few-minute walk from my home. I have never visited it. But as far as I watch it from the outside, it seems to be going well amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been an attention seeker and placed conspicuous signs. It has also recently refurbished its building. It had to close for a month but changed drastically. It made a terrace as seen in cafes in Hiroo and Roppoing. It has three sets of a table and chairs outside it. Are they used when the inside waiting room is full? Or are they for visitors who want to wait outside due to the COVID-19 pandemic? I do not understand why it has such a terrace.
It also increased the number of dentists to satisfy the needs of visitors. It is the only dental clinic that seems to be going well in my town. I do not know whether it is because of its treatments being so good or because of having a good sponsor. It is a weird dental clinic!

 この歯医者は、医師の数も増やしました。ボクの街で景気のいい歯医者さんはここだけです。よほど、治療がうまいくて患者が増えているのでしょうか? または、スポンサーに資金力があるのでしょうか? 変な歯医者さんです。
