速報:警察が国会前の護送車デモ参加者の逮捕を開始/BREAKING: Police begin ARRESTING convoy protesters outside Parliament
David is an Ottawa-area lawyer who has worked on lockdown cases.
— Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) February 7, 2022
If he says he's getting calls from people in custody, it's clear the massive sweep against Trudeau's opposition has begun. https://t.co/FUHVAetxTX
Can’t confirm if this is true or not. I personally have still not seen any arrests made here in Ottawa. This man claims he saw people involved with the truckers convoy being put into the back of a police car. #TruckersConvoy2022 https://t.co/8hpC710hZK pic.twitter.com/a2SGPwdYRy
— Lincoln Jay (@lincolnmjay) February 7, 2022
日曜日の夜、Rebel Newsは、首都で行われているトラック運転手の車列に対する抗議行動に対して、警察が行動を起こす可能性があるという報告を受け取りました。Rebel Newsレポーターのリンカーン・ジェイは、現地で起きている出来事をとらえています。
We are hearing reports of truckers having fuel taken from police and arrests possibly being made. We are on scene to confirm. Stay tuned for more updates. So far I have personally seen no arrests. #TruckersForFreedom https://t.co/8hpC710hZK pic.twitter.com/i1G2NrTQNF
— Lincoln Jay (@lincolnmjay) February 6, 2022
A citizen journalist sent me this video that seems to show police seizing fuel from truckers. More reports to come — I’m on the streets right now.#TruckerConvoy https://t.co/8hpC710hZK pic.twitter.com/5PEwZcTRq6
— Lincoln Jay (@lincolnmjay) February 6, 2022
I just spoke with our reporter @lincolnmjay. He says that when he showed up with his camera, police seemed to stop what they were doing. He has not seen an arrest with his own eyes yet -- the situation is very dynamic. Will report more later. https://t.co/FNvsALURmf
— Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) February 6, 2022
. 彼がカメラを持って現れたとき、警察は彼らがやっていたことを止めたようだと言っています。彼はまだ自分の目で逮捕を見たわけではありませんが、状況は非常にダイナミックです。また後ほど報告します。
More from Lincoln: police seem to be seizing fuel from truckers. Fuel is not an illegal substance; this really seems like lawlessness on the part of the police. I can't fathom what possible colour of right allows them to seize property without a warrant. https://t.co/B8mk9OJGOp
— Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) February 6, 2022
Footage provided to Rebel News shows Ottawa police attempting to arrest someone for bringing fuel to the convoy before the midnight sate of emergency goes into effect https://t.co/XQqZr4vN0X for more. pic.twitter.com/F9hHsh24jp
— Mauricio (@_m2pacheco) February 7, 2022
Rebel Newsに提供された映像には、真夜中の非常事態が発動される前に、オタワ警察が車列に燃料を持ち込んだ人を逮捕しようとする様子が映っている。
Rebel Newsは、オタワの路上で逮捕やトラック運転手所有の物資の押収が行われていないか確認するよう努める予定です。
記事はここまで/Article ends here
With scientific evidence showing that lockdowns, vaccination mandates, and vaccine passports are meaningless, according to studies and analyses by scientists and others around the world, the Canadian government is trying to expand the scope of vaccination mandates.
Considering the number of people that truck drivers involved in logistics come into contact with, it is likely that the number of people that the Ottawa police come into contact with is greater than the number of people that the Ottawa police are trying to eliminate from Freedom Convoy, but the Ottawa police have not made vaccination mandatory.
No clear line of demarcation has been drawn regarding this mandatory vaccination, and it can only be thought of as a punitive requirement for those who do not follow the government's instructions, so to speak.
Prime Minister Trudeau has proposed a bill to strengthen Internet censorship.
I believe that tightening censorship is a sign of not being able to win an argument.
Canadian citizens are outraged at the lack of open government, with inconsistent and contradictory regulatory policies, falsification of data, and cover-ups.
Instead of listening to them, Prime Minister Trudeau runs and hides without issuing a statement in response to the declaration of a state of emergency in Ottawa.
If Trudeau's policies are so full of contradictions that he cannot face the citizens, we can only hope that he will give up his political career.