Interview with Cynthia Bischoff


Cynthia Bischoff is certified in Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Acupressure, Bio-Energy, Breathwork, Shamanic-Studies, and Medical Intuition. She has taught at Old Dominion University in Virginia and has also studied metaphysics and bodywork abroad as well as in the United States.

Guided by her heart, Cynthia developed her Heartliving Program in 1998. She has been teaching the program to several thousand people who want to improve their quality of life. She often visits Japan, and facilitates reading sessions and consultations through the use of her psychic abilities. Additionally, she teaches USUI SHIKI RYOHO REIKI, Developing Intuition, Heartliving, and various courses.

Cynthia has received the BEST OF NORFOLK Holistic Practitioner Award from the U.S. Commerce Association for 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. She is also an executive member of National Association of Professional and Executive Women (NAPEW) and was NAPEW Woman of the Year 2010
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Q. First of all, could you tell us what kind of job you are doing?

My company is called Heartliving and my title is Life Coach, Energy Practitioner, and of course Teacher.

Q. What kind of classes do you teach?

I do a variety of different kinds of classes. Generally when I started years ago, I did more communications and following your heart - trying to lead from your heart. I still do that but also do a variety of different kinds of topics beyond really just spirituality.

I talk about building your intuition, and talk about connection between the Body/Mind/Spirit. I, even today, made posts on my Facebook about how to deal with people who might have difficult personalities. So there are many, many topics I can do.

Q. You have been to Japan several times, and done psychic readings. You have also taught REIKI and Listen to your Body haven't you?

Yes. I have taught Building your Intuition and the Body/Mind/Spirit. They are the two different ones that I did. All level of REIKI (level 1-3) and also REIKI master levels (teacher level 1-3). There were a lot of different classes.
I have already done all REIKI levels and REIKI teacher levels, so I will start new REIKI class from level 1 next time (July 2012 when she goes to Japan).

Q. Many people are interested in your psychic abilities. I have heard that you cooperated with the police by utilizing your psychic abilities. Can I ask you about them? Are your psychic abilities your inherent ones or acquired ones?


First of all my grandmother (mother’s side) was very psychic. She could easily see energy and see the people who had passed on all the time.
That is my grandmother. I think that everyone has some psychic ability but very often people are afraid, so they shut it off. SO because my grandmother was so psychic, I felt like it was OK for me to be psychic.

Do you see? I think in a certain way if I had not had an accepting environment, then maybe I would not have developed my innate ability as much.
So that is one thing I think that helped, and of course due to heredity I probably inherited some of her ability.

But when I was 3 years old, I almost died, and I was on a boat. And my mother was holding me and we were both thrown from the boat. It was in an accident - boating accident. I nearly died. My father actually saved me and my mother. So very often I think because that near-death experience, which I don’t remember very well, because I was only three years old. I have had a dream of being in a tunnel. I was wondering that probably also contributed to opening my psychic ability.

So my first experience I had in which I really realized that I had that ability I was 5 years old. I remember I was lying on the bed. And I saw a figure at the foot of my bed. You know, like an apparition or being. It looked very much to me like Jesus would look. But of course I was raised in Christian tradition. Maybe I was influenced. If I were in Japan, I may see Buddha. I don’t know (laugh).

However the reasons, I remember seeing just lying on the bed I was [ha----inhale], overwhelmed. I had never told my mother. I don't know why. I think because I thought I don't know why. I really don't. Because I don't think, she would be Ok if I told her but I never told her.

So then after that I could lie on the bed and I looked at a wall, and the wall was just blank, you know, nothing. I could start to see pictures always, like a tiger, and then I could see something else and something else. I could just see all these pictures all the time on a blank screen. I could lie on the bed and just entertain my mind all the time (Laughed).

I could see images and things, and later I would be realizing if I saw certain people. I maybe see initials and little pictures of somebody next to them or you know. So it just began developing--really that’s just how it was. I’d never really questioned it, because I would talk to my grandmother. She would say, ”Never be afraid; never be afraid.”

Because, you know, my mother did not have this ability by the way. I think she does a little bit, but she would say No, she does not. Not like my grandmother. My mother really was not the one for me to go to, but my grandmother was. And I would stay with my grandmother a lot. I really, really loved my grandmother.

And so I visited her and I could talk to her, and she said, “Never be afraid,” and she said, “Don't worry about spirits. You can trust them.” That is another thing she said a lot but she said, “Sometimes living people you cannot trust” (laugh). I think that is probably true. It got me very much trusting information, you know.

And then I could just see like, o.k. so I wonder why you know that person has that initial. I wonder why this person has that. But I’d never really talked to people to ask. I just entertained my mind.

So I think, you know, anytime I see flat surfaces like this table, if I just sit, and it is like a trance feeling. Do you know what I mean? I can just sit, and in about a minute, if I go there, and then I could start to see things easily. It’s just always been that way.

Q. I heard that there are 3 types of psychics: one is the ones who are good at hearing things, the send one is the ones who are good at seeing things, and the last one is the ones who are good at feeling things. Which one is your strong ability?

Yes, there are clairvoyance=seeing, clairaudience=hearing, clairsentience=feeling or knowing. I really have all three because I can hear things too. My favorite one is the police officer had slowed down because it was a 30-mile zone, and the police officer was on the side. And I was going faster, and I heard, like in my back seat, no one was there I heard “Slow down” and I slowed down. So I did not get a ticket. It was crazy, but I did not know who that was, but that was helpful. It’s just sometimes very practical and helpful. It was helpful voices you know. I can do the hearing, but my strongest one is always visual, always seeing.

There are so many signs in the world if we just pay attention, you know. If you are driving, you notice a licensed plate, OK. Or you notice a sign on the road, and you will be thinking and it is answering the question of your thought. But I think we have to tune in. You know, people are willing to tune in to their environment, and the environment is constantly speaking and sending messages to us all the time, all the time.

Like this morning. What was it? Oh, my birthday. We were driving, and I looked over. That was the license plate of my birthday numbers. “How?” you know. We saw
“Victory/Success” when we were talking about our business. It says ”Victory” this license plate. I always am observing. People don't always become observant to their world.

You get up in the morning, and an alarm clock goes off, and everyone is racing and rushing. Desensitizing, you know. Just do the day and get it done, and that’s it. They don't tune into themselves and the world - spirit world is here, you know. They just have to tune in. I call that really state of being, not just doing. But I think our society is doing. We tune out because of it.
I also think people need to meditate more - having inner connection to the world more, inner world. That will build the ability to pick up messages.

Q. How do you distinguish between intuition from inner voice and the voice of ego when you get a feeling?

It is not really difficult for me to distinguish. It really isn’t. Maybe it is because I got it for so many years from my childhood. You know, I am saying that I did not learn it later. I’ve known it throughout my life. That’s one thing - the reason why I think.

Also early on when I was doing readings, maybe 20 years ago, someone would come to see me, and I would be doing a reading. And I would get things and they would say, “That’s correct. Yes, that is this, that is that.” And they kept telling me it is correct. And then I think I began to trust from that.

Or if I saw the past life, sometimes they would say, “Oh yes, I did the past life regression. That is just what they told me. I was in Greece.” And then again, I kept, you know, affirming that information could be accurate. That’s probably why, but also from childhood I would say. Trusting. I think you have to trust.

Q. How can individuals who have not trained/polished their intuition, like me, distinguish between intuition and ego?

One thing that I like to teach is a pendulum. You can really understand a lot by learning to use the pendulums. I wish I had one here; I don’t have one. First, you have to learn what is my「Yes」, what is my「No」, and what is my「Maybe」.
I have a certain way to do that (using maybe).

So for me, I mean, anyone else who wants to learn. First you learn that and you can tell, because close your eyes and hold it over your palm chakra. And then see in your mind having a list of questions that you know the answer to. My name is Cynthia? That should be “Yes” hopefully (laugh).

So I close my eyes, and I begin to say all of my questions, that are supposed to be “Yes”. Then I start to ask the questions that I don't know the answers to, and close my eyes and begin to, again see, and keep like a journal of your testing, right? That is very important, I think.

One thing about the now I don't ever use the pendulum. But it is a very good tool, because when I began learning the pendulum, I would see how my spine felt, OK? So my “Yeses” I felt energy just kind of goes up the spine easily, right? But the “No”, it is kind of “Uhmm” does it really go up, Ok?

So then if I go, and say, “You know, I want to buy this cup. Should I buy this cup?” And I feel my spine, so I don't need the pendulum. So if you match your physical feeling to, and you start feeling like that, you know “Yes” and “No” or it’s “Good” or “Not” whatever. And then you get intuitive awareness let’s say. How do I feel?

When clients are in my office, I’m even just doing coaching, you know. It does not have to be a psychic reading, but just coaching. If they are talking to me, I can feel so many times, “That’s true.” You know, like I feel a wave of feelings. If I am doing psychic information, very many times I get waves of feeling, feeling, feeling, so I just go with how was, you know, my feeling of my body. You can tell if it is accurate. That is an important way, you know.

So one more thing to build intuition. I had students to keep a little journal, and it fits in your purse. Not like something you are going to forget but something in your pocket, something small. I had them guess a lot.

For example, I’m going to work today, and I’m going to see my first client. What color would that person be wearing? Just don't even think. Whatever comes to your mind. And I write it in my journal. Now when I see the person, if it is accurate, and I make a note. So I begin to test, because really intuition doesn't come by rational thought, meaning the intuition does not come by thinking alone. The best intuition - it just comes without having to be created. You just know something. You know, you know the color is going to be red the person is wearing.

You can guess how many pieces of mail I am going to have today. How many e-mails when I wake up in the morning would be in a box, right? And then the more you kind of play around with just hunches, we call it guesses, then you began to see that you might be more accurate with color. You may be more accurate with numbers. Or you may be more accurate with shapes. You see. So then you just begin to play around, and it is how you develop your own intuition, because everyone is a little bit different - what they are good at.

Q. Do you also keep a journal?

No, I don't anymore but I did for years. But I told my students, because to me, that is one of the best ways for them to train themselves to trust and to start to see. Because why I like this is they are often surprised that they are pretty good, you know.
And then when they start trusting themselves, they actually open their channel more. So lots of times we shut down because we are afraid of we are not good or we don't know, we cannot trust. And then the more you trust yourself, you know, through exercises, you begin to see.

Q. I heard that you have been psychic since you were a child. What made you decide to utilize your psychic ability like a psychic reading as a professional job? When did you start it?

I was always a teacher, and I taught American literature, and I taught writing - I taught communications in various environments, you know, work place environment and so on. And I taught at 3 universities: Indiana State University, another one is Indiana-Ball State, it is in Indiana, and also in Southern Illinois. And then I came here (Virginia) for Old Dominion University. I was there from 1986 at Old Dominion until 1998. So my background was that.

And then before 1998, I was feeling, “I don't want be doing the teaching American Literature or Communication,” like I was doing. I loved it, but toward the end I stopped there in 1998. I could feel my soul is getting ready for a change of some sort.

I was very interested in Energy, so I took several programs to learn about Energy. As soon as I took the program, I went to school for Spiritual Psychology. It was in Wisconsin. As soon as I began to talk, I could see things again so easily. Like I had shut down, do you know what I mean? I kind of stopped. I mean I still can see things, but professionally I wouldn’t use it, because it did not fit my life really.

And then I went to these conferences and these teaching certifications. I had a professor friend who was in Wisconsin, who said “Cynthia, it’s such a gift. You need to do this.” You know, that is a great gift, he encouraged me really. And I met an elderly lady there, in her 80’s, very encouraging also. So I started thinking “I don't know if I will be in the University doing this anymore.” So I took a trip to Bosnia. My sister was going to Bosnia actually to pray for world peace.

She (Cynthia’s sister) called me in the morning, and she said, “I am going to Bosnia, blah blah.” And I said, “I will try to save money to help you to go.” Because she does not work, she was a housewife, you know, not working. But I wanted to go so much. You know, myself. So, suddenly she got an idea. She called me; she said, “Will you go with me?” and I said, “Yes”, but I don't know why (laugh). Because you see, it is intuition. It made no sense rationally. I just said, “I have to go.” So I went.

And then for ten days, we stayed with a family in Croatia. I was there and 8 thousand people were praying for world peace - every country really. English was the minority there, you know. Maybe 11 different languages; people were interpreting. I was in a church on Thursday night. I was there for ten days, but on this particular night, 3 thousand people crowded into this church. And the minister said, “I would like for us to join hands to pray for the world peace.” So everyone joined hands. Exactly when they joined the hands, I had a vision that changed my life. Seriously. That is the reason I went into the professional energy.

I saw a heart. This heart is, I drew the heart which is my logo, because it looks like an image of an old woman and she had a cloak. I could not see her face so much. But her cloak opened, and her heart was like the heart I have drawn. (She pointed to her logo mark.) And all these different people of nationalities were like leaping from her heart.

I remember I started crying and I knew this was my life changing. But I did not know what it meant for me. So we continued to pray, and so we left and went back to America. And I am thinking, “I cannot return to that work. It is not me anymore.” I don't know what I’m going do, because clearly I did not have developed any of this (Heart Living program). So I had to take a leap of faith really.

I said, not to my boss of course, but I said to my friend, “In one year.” So the next year, it was 1997, when I went to Bosnia, and in 1998 I left ODU. I thought in my mind, in one year, I won't be here at this university (ODU). I will be doing the work to help people to lead from their hearts. Because leaping from the heart became for me the leading. You know, come from your heart to other people; that’s where it came from.

So I took a space in Norfolk, you know, rented a space, This entire brochure came in my mind in 20 minutes, but I meditated for about a year honestly. I kept meditating on the concept of heart. What is it telling me, and what do I need to do. And then one day I sat down in just 20 minutes later, here it is. And I said, “Ok.” I went to the publisher, you know. It was not easy because I did not have a lot of money, believe me, to support this, you know. I felt my heart and had to follow my heart. I had to take a risk.

You know, my friend said to me, “Cynthia, just take a jump. You know, like off of a mountain. Just take a jump,” he said. “Why don't you just jump?” I said. Because I want to be sure where my feet are going to land on the ground. But do you know what he said? What he said to me changed my life. He said,
“Why should your feet land on the ground? Maybe you are supposed to fly.” See. Ahh Yeah, it is true. I don't have to know what’s going to happen. Maybe just go on and do it. You know, just do it. So I took a risk, and started this (Heart Living program).

This (program) now is fifteen years old. I probably helped about 2,000 people locally, but 15 years I have done it. I travelled to Europe, I’ve done this presentation on this in Paris, in Holland, in England, and I studied also in Peru, in Ireland, you know. So I’m a student; I love to keep learning. You probably do, too. You know, it’s a way. I think the more you learn, the more excited you get, and you just keep wanting to help people. This is really my mission is to serve people. That’s really it.


Q. Do you mainly teach this “Heart Living program” now?

It started that way (Heart Living program) OK. But so many people kept taking it again, because they love that class. So I had a part 2, and it’s called “Wisdom of Transformation” similar 8 weeks the same thing. Then those people kept taking it, so I had a part 3, and it’s called “Passion and Purpose.” Each class or program meets for 8 sessions – all three classes. Like a whole year of work, but that’s very intensive.

I’ve actually done this in one day. Not of course the whole program, but highlights of that program. A little bit of this we’re going to be doing.

I have done this not only abroad, but also in the military here. Believe or not, the U.S. Navy called me because one lady took my workshop and she loved it. Because she said people need this. And they called it, “Leading from the Heart.” Unbelievable. Men and women in the class in the military, they loved it. I think if you take something called heart living, usually a person is pretty sincere. You know, my guess.

My goal really is people. I want people to become more alive. You know, not “do” or “have” but being. And also to come alive into living more passionately with life, a holy life kind of, you know in everyday. That’s my goal. That’s what I am trying to do in all my work.

I also have over 30 one-day workshops. And then I offer them for many years like 15 years. And I kind of rotated, you know, once a month I offer a one-day workshop from 8:30 to 3:30 on a topic. I actually gave some examples here (Brochure).

But ones at least currently that I am offering, you know, like “Learning Principles of Luck” and “Consciously Creating Your Life”--these are one-day classes. The number of people I take is a maximum number of 11 people tops. I wanted it to be a small group. And of course I put it on e-mail and in one day it is full. And then that’s filled, so I maybe try another offering in another day, you know. That’s how it works, but it is very popular. So my work is very busy.

I have a book club and the book club is every month. They read a book and I meet with them, and I teach the book - principles of the book. They are extremely popular. This one is maybe 20 some people in that. So I feel like I have many things going on, you know. Plus individual work, of course. Very, very, very, very busy.

This class here, this brochure says “For women,” and primary I work with women, However, I have done “Leading from the Heart” for men. I did three classes of that. I could do that, too. I just would be so busy; I would never sleep. So that’s why I don't do for the men very much, but men come to these workshops all the time. These are one day, and they are many times men and women. You know, women need a space to talk about their personal issues. I like the idea just women for the longer programs, but it could be either. Like the military has men and women both.

They (students in heart living) meet 2 and half hours each week, for each session and all the way to 8 sessions. They have a project they have to complete. And also I gave them a heart box, like a paper heart box with a lid, they have to decorate. They decorate the outside like they present themselves to the world. But then in the last class they come back plus they have to open it and show what they hide from the world inside of the box. It’s very, very challenging to grow.

(So you have to be creative in the class, right?) Yes, but actually the women help each other. Like if someone feels not very creative, somebody else helps them. You know, to get an idea cross. Some people love art, but others do not. It does not get judged. You know, it doesn’t get judged.

Q. It is not easy for Japanese people to have their own opinion or to share it to others, because of our cultural background. It is harder especially to talk about our feeling/spirituality/inner world to people. Even between married couple, they don't share their feelings and emotions to each other. I am, therefore, looking forward how your classes are going to be in Japan.

These classes are a little bit challenging because they have to talk about their emotion - to take them out of their comfort zone, right? Believe it or not there are a lot of Americans who are like that too (having difficulty to talk about their emotions/feelings). But what I would do is adjust the material to better fit the culture, because I taught this in different places.

Because I have been to Japan many times, believe it or not, many times in the individual sessions people were crying and sharing to talk, you know. This is true all the time. I think they need an opportunity and they often don’t have the opportunity. That’s the feeling.

Even we did workshops, like in Tokyo, people shared more because the environment felt comfortable to share and be confidential. But I think it is actually really good, because it can begin to shift, you know. Taking people out of their own comfort zone can be very helpful for their growth. I have all different kinds of occupations come to my class like physicians. I have 3 (physicians) right now. One came in, and she has a stethoscope...pass.

One quick thing, too. For example, people are not good communicators like husband and wife. We would like to have a miracle, right? However, it’s probably not going to happen but what we can do is that we can focus on behaviors. So if you cannot get the person to change the method of verbal communication, then I teach tools to look at behaviors and how you can change the behaviors because it will always change the dynamics. You know there are a lot of tools like that.

On my Facebook, Heart Living today, I used this quote from my quotes teaching. If you were with a person who has a personality who is an exploder, you know, yelling, normally it happens that you are overwhelmed by that, right? You shrink and you keep letting the person do the behavior, right? That’s usually because it’s working for them to do it; because they want to distance you. You don’t want to be with them. It’s a win, win for them, Ok, you see.

So one behavior is, if they yell, you do/you learn not to shrink. You don't yell back, that’s not right either. Because that's meeting a low vibration with a lower vibration, no? Instead you decide on a ”different behavior” for yourself. But you do not shrink and accept it. On my Facebook, I said, “Why are people difficult?” The answer is, “It works for them.” You see, if it does not work for them, they don't do it anymore. So then something like that, no matter what culture is, it makes sense to change, you know - the behavior.

Q. Could you tell us how your students changed themselves or their life after they took your classes?

A million (Laugh). They say, “Cynthia, I am your poster child.” You know, like a poster to put on the wall. They want to be that one. Ahhh, so many. In my website, there are some stories, you know, like people’s stories. But so many. Sometimes people come and they are very timid. You know, meaning they don't speak up for themselves. And I’m helping them to build their self-esteem to value themselves. You know, to feel more passion about their talent and abilities.

And they have to do a project which is them. Every week they have to do something that’s going to improve their life. And they report it to a partner every week. In the class, you know, they have partners. What’s ever done? How is it working? So a lot of changing takes place.

Maybe one story is really interesting is:
A lady lost 80 pounds not in 8 weeks, but in one year. No diet.
Here is what she did - her project. In her life she did a diet and she hates a diet. She was unhappy. You know, like eating is hard and all these things. But she was always...over eating always and I said to her, “You are always filling a hole in the emotion.”

So 2 things she did that made the change really. Anything she is going to put in her mouth, she said, “I cannot eat it if I cannot bless it.” So it has to be blessed which means it has to be sort of pure. You know it has to be right for me, not a potato chip you know. But that’s the first thing. The second thing she began
in her mind she said, “This is good for me.” In my heart, you know, like I bless it this good, like I give it a blessing like it’s a positive thing.

Q. Did she eat junk food after blessing it?

No she didn’t eat the junk food because she couldn’t bless it!
She could not bless it in her mind. You see in her mind she decided I’m only going to eat it if I can feel good enough to say this is good. If I can’t I’m not going to eat it.
She couldn’t do it. So she was being very honest and true, you know.
No, she didn’t eat it because she was sincere, you know. That’s #1 reason--she can’t bless; she’s not going to eat.

Then the next thing I said to her was, “Write down what you’re feeling when you’re hungry.” Because see everyday she would be hungry, and she wasn’t really hungry. She wasn’t hungry for the food. The food was the emotional...stopping the emotion. So then she began to write down what am she was feeling. If I’m hungry maybe I’m not hungry. Maybe I just need to feel. So then she and I met every week one hour coaching extra because she needed support and we met every week one hour and between that she was writing and blessing her food.

And then I also told her, you know, let’s look at the possibility. Go to your kitchen. Everything that you know is not good for you like the sugars and that stuff. Take it out; don’t be tempted. You know, don’t make it because you will eat it, right?

So she took the stuff out and she brought in the good food. So between that and she also decided to start a walking program and she walked, like, you know...3, I don’t know, 2 miles a day which she had not been doing. So walking and eating properly, in 1 year she lost 80 lbs. Then another student loved that story.

My students love the stories of each other. Another one lost 70 lbs. A couple of years another student...because I tell them what the other students do. Now I have 5 students that have written books. Written books. I helped and encouraged them. Now, I have written 3 books myself but they are, like communication, you know what I used to teach? Right now I’m writing this one. Heart Living book right now.

Q. Did the lady who lost 80 pounds successfully utilized tools that you taught in the heart living classes?

And I’m going to be submitting it in October. I can help people because I know how to do that. I’ve done this...3 books so sometimes people have come and said I want to write a book and then I help them write a book. I can tell you so many stories but know a lot of interesting stories about life change. Because people believe in themselves doing this work. Encouraging.

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah because when they start I say to them, “What do you need to bring balance into your life?” And everyone has to think and think.
And I tell them you have to balance body, mind, and of course spirit. So where does the balance need to happen?

Well the lady with 80 lbs of course it’s the body mostly. That’s why she chose that project but then they have to take a project that’s going to balance them and commit to it of course.

I have to add one thing...the lady that lost the 80 lbs, she said, “Cynthia, you helped me to understand that I was feeding my hungry heart.” Isn’t that perfect because it was emotional eating. Hungry heart not hungry body. Body was showing it. But the heart was feeling it, you know. I think a lot of Americans have hungry hearts. You know, a lot of overeating. I really think so. Mhhhmmm...

Q. Why do people need this heart living class in the United States of America? It seems, for me, that American people are assertive and they can express whatever they want.

Oh yeah, yes exactly yeah, yeah... Say what they want...yeah, yeah, yes, yes, yes.
Oh yeah, yes, yes exactly. Now what? Yeah, right in a lot of cases I think that is true. I think there are a lot of people, certain clients, very sincere, you know, who come in very sincere who are speaking from their heart. But then there are many people of course who I feel do not. No doubt about it yeah, yeah.

But you know, we are...well, here’s my thought, 15 years ago, remember I had this vision, so in 20...what is this 2012? 2020 we are supposed to enter the Aquarian age which is the heart. So I believe that we as a society are moving no matter the culture really. We are moving from 3rd chakra power culture moving up to heart culture and I feel like based on...

When I studied in Peru, primarily I studied with Shaman in Peru for 2 weeks and then I studied in Ireland, Scotland. But when I studied they kept saying our society is becoming more of the heart. So I think this is a bridge of a, you know, learning, identifying as a culture, as a world I believe. And that’s where in my book...I’m writing I’m working with what I call the hero’s journey. Which we know we all are here to take the hero’s journey. And really the journey is into our heart.
We are our own enemy, you see. We think it’s all outside. (She points to her heart.) Really this is where the work is and this affects everything outside. I’ve seen it in 15 years is helping people as a bridge to be more authentic.

We have a lot of people wearing the mask, as you know too. And wearing the mask that is adaptive. Adaptive meaning that they learned that behavior to survive something. Maybe if they act like, you know, people pleasing everyone they won’t be left behind you see. So now they take the people pleasing mask off and start to really become more authentic. Who am I? What am I? It doesn’t mean to become angry that’s not it at all. It means to become more real with your real feelings. That’s a lot of what I do with all of my teaching - my coaching.

All of my stuff is to become more authentic. And people are so relieved. That’s what I think is so important. They are so much feeling better in their life when they start. They’re tired of wearing the mask, you know. Really. It’s a way to have them and we talk about different kinds of masks in my class. Well some in this one and then I do a whole day on that. What are the masks? How did you get that mask? And can I give you an example? Is it o.k.?

Sure, please.

And like, in America, sometimes people and I’m sure in Japan too have an alcoholic parent. So one lady in the class said her father was alcoholic. So she never really felt comfortable and safe in her house like is he going to do something? What’s going to happen? Is he going to yell at me? Hit me? Whatever?

So I said to her 1 day, when she was growing up, what was her adaptive mask? What helped her to become feeling alive was to be hypervigilant. It means always nervous wondering what is going to happen. So she has that activity because all her life she had to. Now she doesn’t live with her father anymore so what does she do? She gets a job. Her boss is very similar to the father. And so she’s still trying to heal the old wound. So we go through life constantly trying to heal something very old. So I can draw something; I show this in my class if it’s o.k.

If you look at life like a stack of spirals. In her childhood, actually I believe in past life o.k. so... In her childhood her situation with her father was difficult then she meets with a man later, or a woman, o.k. maybe she’s not as mean as the father but she’s still difficult. Then she get’s a job. And let’s say now here she had difficulty.
How is she going to heal? If she can change this one it will heal all the way back to this one. This is the key. Where are you now? What are you doing? How are you responding in trying to understand the behavioral pattern? This is the mask...part of the mask that needs to be taken off. So it’s like, a lot of tools like that to understand and learn.

Another thing that comes to me is every person is trying to heal with repeated opportunity. But a culture is trying to heal, so like when a tragedy occurs, like is what is happening in Japan o.k.? That is the cultural pattern repeating to heal the soul really of the country. That’s how I believe anyway.
That it’s not’s like an opportunity. Well it is individual but it has another level. You know like the culture of the country and like every culture.
I believe whether we’re talking about Israel or America it doesn’t matter. Everyone has something going on that’s an opportunity - holy moment. I believe it’s a holy moment, right? Holy moments all the time with tragedies, with occurrences to heal the soul of the people.

Q. If one person is healed, it affects everything around the person, doesn’t it? It means if one person is changed, the change influences others around the person.

Oh I do believe. I totally believe. Yeah, absolutely!
I mean because each of us is so significant and energetically, vibrationally important to this planet. Everyone has to realize how important each person’s soul is. You know, each person. So coming from a place of unity is the way I think of it, you know.

So if you look at the word “universe” (maybe you know this) it means 1 song. That’s what it means in English - 1 song. So we are 1 song so if we are 1 song every note contributes right to the song of us all.

Q. Do you feel anything about the future or vision of Japan as a psychic?

Before this happened... This happened on a Friday? o.k. I was in the...
I’ll tell you this and then I’ll tell you my thought. I was driving my car and then I was taking a turn, you know, on a street and of course I don’t think it had happened yet. Maybe it happened after that because of the time difference. But anyway, I suddenly had the worst feeling - a tragedy is coming. And I couldn’t decide where. I didn’t know if it was American – whatever.

And I saw all these supplies needed and all this stuff happening and it’s giving me the goose bumps, you know. But I was so like I couldn’t breathe. It was so bad and then I went to my house. I called my friend. I don’t know what it means, you know, but there’s something. I don’t know.

Of course this happened and then it’s like I knew because I have a very strong connection with you in this way because of going to Japan. I feel like it’s another family for me. So I have had that feeling like that. And I want to say also that if I really felt scared I wouldn’t be going. I don’t feel...yeah...and

I feel there are certain things people can do like taking the iodine. You know, you can take the iodiral. Do you know about? O.k. maybe there are ways to practice certain safer ways that the country will figure out.

I don’t get a bad feeling in my heart to be honest. I don’t get a bad feeling in my heart. I feel like there may be smaller things like, you know, what happened it Fukushima? There may be small areas in the country in the coastal area maybe there could be. Not...I don’t get, I’m not saying there is because I'm not getting...but I’m saying that kind of feels that’s a possibility of the future in my mind. But as far as the thought of a whole country vanishing, you know like, I don’t get that. I don’t feel that way in my heart; I don’t feel that.

Q. What does it mean smaller things?

Like, you know, let’s say an area of the country - a small area of the country. Not that that was a small area and it has impacted many people but what I mean is there might be something in the future that is smaller. Nothing like Japan sinking. You know is Edgar Cayce says isn’t it that in the blink of the eye it’s gone. I don’t feel that, I mean, I don’t know...I shouldn’t say things about Edgar Cayce because you know who am I? But that doesn’t feel in my heart correct.

No, no, no. If I get anything in my mind there is a little bit of potential of something smaller. Something small but not anything big and, you know, the other thing about somebody gaining information it is based on potentiality and possibility so even if you think about when Cayce got that in that time frame, I don’t know how long ago many years, right? Maybe the way everything was configured at that time; it’s the possibility was that’s the strongest for that to be the case.

You see, but maybe because there have been other vibrational shifts in consciousness changing and so many things that, if he were alive today, he may say something a little different. I think you have to base on potentiality and probability at that time.

I really do but I don’t get a bad feeling in my heart; I don’t at all. And, you know, people in America that are my clients. Some of them send me awful things like don’t go to Japan because, you know, we don’t want you to go because this is happening. I just delete because in my heart, I know I am okay. And so 1 day I was at my office I had like 20 women and one of them says, “Do you read all these things? Do you know everything?”

And I looked at her and I said she sends me the ones I delete, you know. And I said I do not live in a fear-based world. O.k. I don’t live out of fear; I don’t. That’s not my way of being. And if I intuitively felt something then I would act accordingly but I don’t feel that; I don’t feel that.

Q. Do you see something about the future of Japan? For instance, can you see a symbol or something?

This is interesting as soon as I go in I see a lot of light in Japan so that’s a positive to me. Almost like if the island were like a flower and a lot of light. So I don’t get anything negative. That’s just what I’m getting - potentiality that I’m picking up, you know. But when 911 came in the United States for like a week or two before I had the bad feeling. Very bad feeling. And I didn’t know what it was.

And then I got in my consciousness. I got especially at night 2 things low. Of course it was the 2 buildings, you know, but I couldn’t figure out why am I getting 2 things, you know, and I'm thinking is it people. Because you kind of have to when you get that feeling you don’t know. But...and then of course 911 occurred.

So if I do get something bad; I do get things, you know, like a feeling. Because I did get that feeling for Japan. Nuclear. I did. I did. I got supplies needed and nuclear. Then when the tsunami came I kept thinking well why was I getting nuclear? That didn’t make sense. Well of course now I know why.

That day. We were having lunch and then it just happened to be the day. And I said I had the dream and this is what I got. And I tell you what, we went to the ARE. Because we were going to have a massage and we walked in and this is the day that it happened. And you know the little bowl they had with the quotes or readings, readings! I picked one and I can’t remember the reading but it was so positive because I said before picking it help me to know what about Japan. You know to my mind to Edgar Cayce but something in my mind - something is there. I chose the quote—the one about as a bird is in the air and knows it’s o.k. Do you know the one? I don’t know the readings that well. Something about a bird and how the bird trusts and knows it’s all going to be o.k. That was the one I picked. That confirmed also for me like it’s going to be o.k. It’s going to work out.

Q. What kind of plans do you have in Japan?

Well in the future, you have already told them about your sister sponsoring me. Yeah o.k. well, in the future of course I will teach if I’m asked to come I will do that. But we have had requests to do a school and the school, maybe the heart living school, and maybe this is an opportunity to do specific programs like 1 day workshops that would be some of what we talked about and so some other kinds of work that I do that I know would be very beneficial and helpful.

You know maybe my mind that in my second series you know from each of
those 3. Because my 3rd one that I teach in the U.S. is called “Passion & Purpose” and it’s about knowing how to become the best version of you. And so that’s definitely one that I know we want to teach.

When you go to my website, we will see, I think it says, signature program or something, but anyway, it has all the different programs and there’s many, many more than this. And that’s where you can find, all those kinds of things, you and I talked about doing.

Yes o.k. well one that I think we’ve talked about is the inner child. You know, understanding. Remember the mask? That’s very tied in with inner child. We’ve talked about...I also teach dreams. And I studied for 7 years with a dream analyst to learn about dreams. And I...there’s a lot about that so I use that many times in my classes but we’ve talked about just different components. One would be the Reiki component.

The Shaman. Now the other thing is I have studied in Peru, and Ireland, and the United States. The study of shamanism and of course Native American culture you know is based on that. And I went to the Southwest in America many times and I do specific treatments and I’m teaching people to do those treatments.

In fact I have 1 group that has studied with me for 4 years in the U.S. They meet 1 time each month and this will be their fourth year; this is their 4th year! They’re halfway through the 4th year of their study. And I'm teaching them to do the shamanic releases of the body but I teach them how to journey – intuitive journey into the mind. See the energy. You know these are all stages through... Every year has a know, personal mastery I guess you could call it.

But we’re trying to get feedback also; what do people want, of course. But those are things that are like, to me, the most critical or important aspects of the teaching that’s been the most useful to people.

Q.Are you thinking of writing a book?

Yes, I have plans to contact several publishers and it's very exciting. I have been writing my book all year (2012). I am also consulting a Productions Company to do videos and audio series. It's all very exciting!


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