Joining of the Pooh-Cat people, and complete reset of our site / プー猫族の合流とサイト完全リセット

 The “Visitors' Isle” was now offered as an immigration site for Pooh-Cat people and was renamed “Pooh Cat Isle".  However, it is still open to all. 

 By a mysterious coincidence, in this December of 2021, the refugee people of Pooh-Cat came to us for help, and we offered them the small isle we had kept for visitors as their place to settle in, and allowed them autonomy there.  Needless to say, this is the first time in our long long history that we have accepted immigrants.

 Pooh-Cat people, they are sincere supporters of that brass band that we all continue to feel a kinship with and pay attention to, plus they are people who, like us, are calling for the abolition of all weapons.  So it is a honor to be chosen and asked by such people.

 Also, they are a people who know how to spread information, so this may be an opportunity for us to send information through them in the future, not only about the abolition of weapons, but also about Maquis and CatFishBird.

 We have also taken this time to reset all data, including deleting all content, changing IDs, and and all existing URLs and links have been deactivated.

    ──  All our wine skins have been renewed now,
         in honor of the new “wine".

    ──全ての革袋が 今や 新しく調え直されました、
       新しい “ 葡萄酒 ” に敬意を表して。

                     December 28, 2021 AD
                     西暦 2021年 12月 28日

