技術英検プロフェッショナル試験 冗長英文リライト問題(設問5)の傾向と対策







② ①のことも踏まえて実際に適切な技術文書を作成しなさい


[問題]The following is a poorly written Japanese handling instruction for an oven toaster, and its poor translation in English. Read them and answer questions (1) and (2) below in English.


We appreciate your having bought “ABC Toaster Mini” from ABC company. Comparing to general kinds of toasters, it is a product with emphasis on size and handiness, and there are few restrictions upon use. Please be careful and use it.
・“ABC Toaster Mini” need not be heated in advance before operation. If heating is done more than 10 minutes without anything cooked, the service life will be shorter and become the cause of accident. Or, extract the power cord from the consent if you do not use.
・You can use “ABC Toaster Mini” for making hot sands and, other than that, warming toasts and muffins, but not for things including oil and grease much like fish and meat. Such a way of usage is connected to dirty damage and faults of the main body and surroundings, so be sufficiently careful.

(1) Pick any three errors in the above English passage. Describe what is wrong and how they change the meaning.

(2) Under the heading shown below, reorganize the information in the Japanese passage and present it as an appropriate caution statement in English. Eliminate unnecessary or irrelevant information, if any. 

Notes on using the product:                              


・“Few restrictions” does not sound right. It implies the restrictions are negligible, but in fact they are not.
・The use of “will” in the first bulleted item is wrong. It implies a certainty, but the original Japanese only refers to a possibility.
・“Consent,” unlike its Japanese katakana counterpart, does not mean a wall outlet.
・It looks as if “the service life” is the subject of “become the cause of accident.” According to the original Japanese, it is the heating that does it.
・“Use” is used intransitively. It needs to be used transitively, that is, with an object.
・“Oil and grease” sounds like lubricants used for machinery. “Oil and fat” should be used instead.


For being compact and handy, ABC Toaster Mini has different restrictions from general toasters.
・No pre-heating is necessary. Do not start heating until you put something to bake in the baker. Do not continue heating for 10 minutes or longer without anything in the baker, as it may cause shortened service life or even accidents.  
・Keep ABC Toaster Mini unplugged while not in use.
・ABC Toaster Mini can be used for toasting sandwiches, bread, and muffins. Do not use it for oily or fatty food like fish and meat. Using oily or fatty food can make ABC Toaster Mini and the surroundings dirty and also cause malfunctions.

この問題を解くには、マニュアル文書特有のルールを理解し、そして3C(Correct, Clear, Concise)に沿って書く力が必要になってきます。





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→仕様書・契約書は、工業製品や部品、材質などが満たすべき要件を記載するもの。「仕様書/specification」「要件を満たす/satisfy requirement」などの表現は必ず覚える必要がある。




[解答例]Preventing the machine from starting accidentally is important in terms of safety.
⇨技術英検頻出のprevent。prevent A from-ing で「Aが〜するのを防ぐ」という意味になります。

[解答例]Thus, the machine operator must be able to turn off power without leaving his/her operation position.
⇨「〜できるようにするべき」はmust be able toで英訳。
⇨「電源を切る」はturn off powerもしくはcut off powerで表現できる。

[解答例]Set up the PC system step by step, carefully following the instruction in the manual
⇨覚えるべき表現であるstep by step「手順を追って」


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