
Morocco 2: Sunrise in the Sahara Desert

We rode along in the still dim light, rocked by camels.
Hearing someone's voice in the dark gave me a sense of security.
I turned to the side and saw a flashlight flashing in the distance.
It was a line of people walking instead of riding camels.
Before I knew it, I had cystitis and had no desire to urinate.
Before I left, I was worried about what would happen.
There's no way there's a toilet in the desert.
Were you able to relax on the camel's warm back and spaciousness?
I went up and down the hill many times.
When I stopped at a hollow in the hill, there were people gathered there.
Perhaps the sun will rise over that hill.
The people of Bembel quickly climbed to the top of the hill and laid out a rug.
He beckoned me, and I climbed the hill.
However, sandy slopes are difficult to climb.
When I finally stood up, I immediately started sliding.
When we got to the top, it was cloudy, but we had a 360 degree view of the sandy world.
There were sand dunes everywhere, left and right, front and back.
It was a sea of sand that seemed to last forever.
Eventually, I saw a ray of light in front of me.
It's finally sunrise.
Color appeared in an empty world.
The number and depth of colors increases moment by moment.
Light began to shine, adding color to the gray world.
No one said anything at the mysterious sight.
All I could do was stare.
The emotion was beating like a heartbeat in everyone's heart.
I have seen many sunrises so far.
The sunrise rises from a sea of clouds 4000 meters above the ground.
The sun rises over the horizon stretching out to sea.
Sunrise in the greenery of the forest.
Even though the sun was the same, the atmosphere was different.
It resonated with the energy of the place and created a different kind of harmony.
The sun that appeared on the sand of the deserted dunes gave a feeling of elegance as it enveloped everything.
I could feel the warmth going all the way to the core of my body.
It is no wonder that desert people worshiped the sun as a god.
My body accepted this and the cystitis was relieved.
All the local Berbers are handsome.
After the sunrise ceremony, all eyes were on these handsome men.
You can take a photo with them, have a scarf wrapped in a turban, or wrap it around your head.

Have your name written in Arabic on the sand, have your photo taken in a sun-themed pose, etc.
We were playing in the sand dunes.
When her sister brushed away the sand two meters below the summit, the sand avalanche started.
This is also something I learned from the Berbers.
I tried to imitate it.
The sand was flowing and it was beautiful, like Niagara Falls with fireworks going off.
And as the sun rose in the sky, the scenery changed even more.
In the blue sky without a single cloud
The gray world expanded deeper and deeper, and waves of sand appeared.
The pattern caused by the wind spreads uniformly or randomly,
My imagination began to expand, imagining the green world of an oasis that might lie within.
