
BitTorrent (BTT)

What is Bittorent?
BitTorrent (BTT) is a cryptocurrency that operates on the Tron Foundation blockchain. It is connected to a renowned file-sharing service BitTorrent. It was created with an eye to tokenize BitTorrent, the largest decentralized file-sharing protocol in the world.
BTT is a TRC-10 utility token based on the blockchain that powers features of the most popular decentralized protocols and applications in the world. BTFS is a decentralized file storage system supported by millions of BitTorrent user nodes.
Key elements of Bittorent include:
1. Variety of services
BTT can be used for a variety of services in the ecosystem. Service requester can advertise bids and pay with BTT for more bandwidth to receive content while Service providers will be incentivized to distribute content to more people, ensuring more robust performance.
2. Delegated Proof of Stake
By running on the blockchain, which has a Delegated Proof of Stake method of processing blockchain transactions, BTFS addresses these limitations.
3. Decentralized storage system
BTFS represents the first decentralized storage system that can be used by decentralized application (DApp) developers. Soon, BTT will be introduced into the BTFS ecosystem to incentivize a fair and abundant file system.

How to Buy Bittorent in India

BitTorrent (BTT) is a peer-to-peer network that allows content creators to connect with their audience, earn and spend digital currency without a middleman. Their mission is “ to build a better Internet. To work with people, industries, and nations to create better ways to move information. Better ways for creators to make money. New ways for fans to engage, on their terms. Ways to sustain the stuff we share.”

Bittorent Exchanges
BTT is a TRC-10 utility token based on the blockchain that powers features of the most popular decentralized protocols and applications in the world. DApps powered by BTT includes BitTorrent Speed, BitTorrent File System, DLive, and others in the pipeline.
Bittorent Mining
You can keep using your existing client, as it’s fully compatible with the new generation of BitTorrent Speed enabled torrent clients. There is no support for mining. By connecting the BitTorrent peer-to-peer network to the TRON blockchain, we offer a new experience to over 100M+ users.
BitTorrent is built on top of the Tron protocol as a TRC-10 cryptographic token. This process, named BitTorrent Speed, helps with downloading speed and users to keep their files on the torrenting software, which, in turn, will give users the ability to download files that they want more easily. Furthermore, BTT tokens have monetary value, meaning that users can convert the tokens into fiat money or spend it to unlock benefits on the network.
Furthermore, BTT is incorporated as an incentive system within the BitTorrent ethos. The purpose of these incentives is to promote the BTT project to current and prospective participants, to allow for governance on the Blockchain, and to facilitate future discussions about protocol upgrades and extensions.
