
How to Play BUNGU SQUAD Mini

Let’s play Mini Game!
How to Play Mini Game

What is “BUNGU SQUAD”?

The purpose of BUNGU SQUAD is to be the first player to connect with own marks in a row on a grid sheet.
It seems like a large version of tic-tac-toe, but BUNGU SQUAD is far more exciting than that, because players can use “BUNGU” skills to hinder their opponents. What is “BUNGU” then? “Bungu (文具)” means “stationaries” in Japanese, and “BUNGU (武ん具)” means “stationary arms”!  You can delete opponents marks, cut the opponents’ connection, create concrete connection and so on by using stationary arms, BUNGU! Strategy is surely important, but luck also determines the winner. So, the game can be played from children to adult. It is easy to learn how to play, although the possibilities of expansion the game are limitless.

BUNGU SQUAD requires players to connect five marks in a row by using 4 kinds of BUNGU on 8 x 8 square grid. To learn the concept of BUNGU SQUAD, it is easier to play “Mini Game” first that can be quickly learned and come to an end, while you can still sense the world view of BUNGU SQUAD. Here, we will explain how to play BUNGU SQUAD Mini Game.

How to Play 1. Setup

Please prepare 2 pencils, 2 erasers, 2 pairs of scissors, a set of playing card and a 6 x 6 square grid sheet.

How to Play 2. Game Play

The purpose of the game is to be the first person to connect three marks in a row, either vertically or horizontally. Lines in bent or diagonal are invalid.

First, players draw three cards from the deck and decide who goes first.
In the first turn, players draw their marks, ◯ or X, on the grid sheet in turn, just like the beginning of tic-tac-toe.
Next, players take turn to make “actions” of “BUNGU skills” in accordance with the combination of the card they have in hand. Players alternate turn continuously by making below actions in each turn.

How to Play 3. Actions

Players take turns by making following actions.

Action 1. Exchange cards
Discard a card facing up from your hand, and you can pick up a card from the deck.
Cards can be exchanged up to two times per turn.

Action 2. Use BUNGU skills
You can use BUNGU skills by discarding cards facing up from your hand. The number of colored cards in your hand determines the skills you can use.

2 Red cards (Heart and Diamond)
You can dig a “ditch” by using scissors on one side of the square.
Marks divided by a ditch cannot be considered as contiguous.
The ditch will remain throughout the game.

2 Black cards (Spade and Club)
One "wall" can be erased with an eraser.
You cannot use this skill if there are no walls.

3 Black cards (Spade and Club)
One “mark” can be erased with an eraser.
The squares can be filled in again after marks are erased.


Action 3. Draw either a mark or a wall with a pencil
You can either fill in a square with your mark or draw a “wall” on one side of the square.
Marks divided by the wall are not considered connected.
Walls can be erased by using the eraser’s skills (Black Skill 2).

Action 4. Draw cards from the deck
If there are less than three cards in hand, pick up cards from the deck to make hand three.

The winner is the first person to connect three marks in a row, either vertically or horizontally.
Marks not in a vertically or horizontally straight line, such as bent or diagonal, are not considered as connected.

*Other rules
When there are no more cards in the deck, all the discarded cards are shuffled together to form the deck at the timing immediately before the next card is drawn.
You do not necessarily make Action 1 and 2 in your turn.
Jokers can be used either as red or as black.

Once you get use to play Mini games, let’s play the basic version of BUNGU SQUAD. There are more BUNGU and BUNGU skills you can use, and you can feel the dynamic scale of the world of BUNGU SQUAD!
