英検1級TOEIC915点の私がTOEFL Integrated Writing解いてみた(3回目)

TOEFL公式サイトに日替わりで出題される問題で、Integrated Writingを解いてみました。



The article and the lecture are both about the regulation for coal ash to protect our environment. While the author of the article argues that the regulation to restrict power plant companies is not needed to prevent contamination, the lecturer disputes the claims mentioned in the article. His position is that it is important for us to make strict regulations. According to the article, we already have regulations related to protect environment, so stricter rule is not necessary for companies. The article notes that there are rules that companies should use liner instead of coal ash. However, the lecturer challenges this argument. He points out that the regulation can regulate only new landfills. The old one cannot be regulated, so the lecturer thinks government should make rules for both new and old places. Secondly, the author suggests that stricter rules could regulate not only dangerous products but also recycled ones. In contrast, the lecturer's stance is regulations will not restrict environmental-friendly ones. For example, mercury is regulated to storage, but few people concerns about that. Finally, the author puts forth the idea that companies should have pay more cost to adapt strict regulations. Therefore, consumers should have pay more cost to use electricity. The lecturer, however, asserts that the cost will not be a significant matter. It is estimated that 50 billion would be used to meet the new regulations, but it is only 1 % increase.


文法的な誤りについて、Chat GPTに指摘してもらいました。

  • 誤り: "we already have regulations related to protect environment"

    • 修正: "we already have regulations related to protecting the environment"

    • 解説: "related to"の後には動名詞(-ing形)を使います。"to protect"ではなく"to protecting"が正しい形です。

  • 誤り: "so stricter rule is not necessary for companies"

    • 修正: "so stricter rules are not necessary for companies"

    • 解説: "rule"は単数形ですが、文脈上、複数の規則について述べているため、"rules"が適切です。

  • 誤り: "companies should use liner instead of coal ash"

    • 修正: "companies should use liners when disposing of coal ash"

    • 解説: "liner"は単数形ですが、文脈上、複数のライナーを使用することを指しています。また、"instead of coal ash"は誤解を招く表現であり、ライナーを使って石炭灰を処理するという意味を明確にするために修正が必要です。

  • 誤り: "The old one cannot be regulated"

    • 修正: "The old ones cannot be regulated"

    • 解説: "one"は単数形ですが、文脈上、複数の古い埋め立て地を指しているため、"ones"が適切です。

  • 誤り: "regulations will not restrict environmental-friendly ones"

    • 修正: "regulations will not restrict environmentally-friendly products"

    • 解説: "environmental-friendly"ではなく"environmentally-friendly"が正しい形容詞の形です。また、"ones"よりも"products"の方が具体的です。

  • 誤り: "few people concerns about that"

    • 修正: "few people are concerned about that"

    • 解説: "concerns"は動詞として使われていますが、"are concerned"という形の受動態が正しいです。

  • 誤り: "companies should have pay more cost to adapt strict regulations"

    • 修正: "companies should pay more to adapt to strict regulations"

    • 解説: "have"は不要で、"adapt"には"to"が必要です。"pay more cost"は不自然で、"pay more"が適切です。

  • 誤り: "consumers should have pay more cost to use electricity"

    • 修正: "consumers will have to pay more for electricity"

    • 解説: "have"は不要で、"to use"よりも"for"が自然です。

  • 誤り: "it is estimated that 50 billion would be used"

    • 修正: "it is estimated that $50 billion would be used"

    • 解説: 金額には通貨記号($)を付ける必要があります。


「語彙のバリエーションを増やしたい」とChat GPTに尋ねたところ、下記の回答をもらいました。

  1. 規制(regulations):

    • 代替語: rules, guidelines, policies, measures

    • 例: The author contends that imposing stricter regulations on power plants is unnecessary → The author contends that imposing stricter rules on power plants is unnecessary.

  2. 企業(companies):

    • 代替語: firms, businesses, corporations

    • 例: According to the article, current regulations are adequate because companies already use liners for coal ash disposal → According to the article, current regulations are adequate because firms already use liners for coal ash disposal.

  3. 講師(lecturer):

    • 代替語: speaker, professor, presenter

    • 例: The lecturer counters that these regulations only apply to new landfills, not old ones → The speaker counters that these regulations only apply to new landfills, not old ones.

  4. 述べる(argues):

    • 代替語: contends, asserts, claims

    • 例: Finally, the author argues that stricter regulations would increase costs for both companies and consumers → Finally, the author asserts that stricter regulations would increase costs for both companies and consumers.

  5. 重要(essential):

    • 代替語: crucial, vital, necessary, critical

    • 例: While the lecturer believes stringent regulations are essential → While the lecturer believes stringent regulations are crucial.
