TOEFL Speaking Part4解いてみた



The lecturer explains measure climate the effect of measure climate change by giving examples of sun the birds in australia. Scientists believe center but it will extinct. But recent some birds gathered at lake. The that preys. The lake is the last you have water source so that's why some rivers I gathering at one place. Now sound of it, if there but few years later scientists think send the book will extinct because there is no water. So because of the climate change.




The lecturer explains major climate change by giving examples of standards standards in australia born in one place, thousand of was born I born in one place near the lake. The lake is the only ones who staring the dry dry season in australia, so that's why and the birds gathered one place. How ever scientists believe if the prey break, don't have enough water the seminar is well extinct. This is the major, call major effect of climate change. According to the lecture.


The lecturer explains weather climate clothes by giving an example found the birds in australia. Scientist believe sun the birds will extinct because of the climate change. These days thousand the sound the birds were born in one place near the lake, this is because the lake is the only one water source in australia during dropped. Therefore if this lake does not have enough water in the future it's become endangered. This is the example of effect of climate change. Now the water sells remain so that the birds can live in australia about in the future they will extinct. According to the this lecture.
