
Why Is Self-Acceptance Hard?(どうして自己受容は難しいのか?)

この記事は、Brighture の講師が書いた英語エッセイです。毎月1本掲載しています。今回は Jo 先生によるエッセイです!

As I stood there, my senses were captivated by the breathtaking scenery surrounding me. The vibrant colors, the intricate details, and the sheer magnificence of it all    filled me with awe. Each element seemed to possess its own unique character and story, waiting to be discovered. It was in that moment of immersion that a realization started to dawn upon me.


I want to be like the sky. Embodying different states of being and emotions. Sometimes serene and calm, at other times gloomy and muggy, or raging with intensity. I aspire to cultivate that range of expression, to embrace both the tranquility and the storm within me.


Among the myriad of wonders, the colorful flowers stood out, radiating an undeniable charm. They seemed to manifest the innate ability to uplift spirits and ignite joy within even those who have the most calloused souls. It is as if their vibrance carries the power to infuse happiness and serenity into the world. Inspired by their allure, I long to be a source of positivity and delight, capable of brightening the lives of those around me.


And, of course, the charming butterflies—oh, how I would die to be one. Their huge, colorful wings glitter as they touch the sun rays. Roaming freely. Flapping gracefully. I don’t think anyone could ever despise them. No one would ever think of swatting them out of fear or disgust. Whereas I, just peacefully buzzing around gardens or city flowers, get forcefully struck just for simply existing.


All this time, I have been yearning to be accepted and celebrated. It would seem as though everything I do can never be good enough. Then I asked myself, "How about me? Why am I here? Where is my place in this world? What good does my existence bring to anyone? Who are those who can confidently say that my presence is of any significance and value to them? And when the day I meet my end is due, how quickly will the world carry on with their lives and completely dissipate any memory of me?" I cannot help but envy their life. It all seems perfect.

これまでずっと、受け入れられて祝福されることを切望してきました。私のやることなすこと、決して十分ではないように思えます。なので私は、「私はどうなの? どうしてここにいるの? この世界の中で、私の居場所はどこにあるの? 私が存在することで、誰かにどんな良いことがあるの? 自分自身の存在に意義や価値があると自信を持って言える人はいったい誰なの? そして、私が最期を迎える日が来たとき、世の中の人たちはどれほどの速さで自分たちの生活を続け、私の記憶を完全に消し去ってしまうの?」と、自分自身に問いかけました。私は彼らの生活を羨ましく思わずにはいられませんでした。すべてが完璧に見えたのです。

As I silently but verbally belted out my desires and egoless cries, I heard a familiar flutter. I recognized its resonance, only this time it was unusually faint and uncoordinated. I looked and realized I was right—it was indeed a butterfly.


It said, "I heard all that, and I'm in utter disbelief given that I've always wanted to be you."


"That's weird, considering how perfect you already are. Why would you even wish that?" I scoffed.


"I've just been here in this world for merely two weeks, and I will fade away anytime today." Its eyes leaked when it said that, but it was smiling. "We pass by each other every morning, feasting on the same flowers. You must have thought my life is all fine and dandy, but every day I get chased by people trying to catch me to keep me for themselves." Then it said with the saddest eyes, "Did you know? Both of my parents' lives were tragically quashed, and their bodies preserved to be displayed like trophies in people's houses."

「私はこの世に生を受けてまだ2週間しか経っていないのに、今日にでも消え去ってしまうかも知れません。」そう言ったとき、その目は潤んでいましたが、表情は微笑んでいました。「毎朝すれ違い、同じ花の蜜をいただく。私の人生が順調だと思ったでしょうが、私を捕まえて自分のものにしようとする人たちに、毎日追いかけられているんです。」そして、とても悲しそうな目でこう言いました。「知ってますか? 私の両親の命は悲惨にも終わらされ、その体は人間の家にトロフィーのように飾られ、保管されたのです。」

I froze. My lips were quivering, overwhelmed by sadness. "I am so sorry. Never in my life had it ever crossed my mind that you went through all this."


"That's alright. I’m not necessarily complaining. All I'm trying to say is that, just like you, some people would cause me harm and are disgusted by my presence. It's actually a good thing that people stay away from you. You can go on with your day freely. Also, I was not always beautiful, you know? You should have seen me in my caterpillar state—Oh boy, how they hated me,” chuckled the butterfly. “And above all, you get to live longer. I wish I could have more time to tell you just how amazing and brilliant you actually are."


I was bawling my eyes out at that point and hugged the butterfly as tightly as I could.


"You are a bee, for God's sake,” it said, “You are better than the best. The most crucially significant pollinator on this planet. This world can't even thrive without you. I'd die to be you."


As we continued on exchanging praises, I couldn't help but wonder how much I have overlooked my value on this planet as a sentient being, that even the one that I look up to all my life has expressed its admiration. “I regret not having been able to make time to have substantial conversations with you.” My adoration for the butterfly grew even way deeper. I wish I could put the time to a halt and fly with this brilliant being across the horizon and explore the rest of the world beyond what’s visible to our tiny, compound eyes.


Despite all that, death is inevitable. The time has finally come that I had to see the butterfly off to the rainbow bridge. From that point, I have come to a new realization. I think I have praised the whole world well enough, and it's about time for me to be more empathetic and appreciative of myself.


この記事を書いた Jo 先生のレッスンも受けられます。

