
A Silent Goodbye(大切な人たちとの別れ)

この記事は、Brighture の講師が書いた英語エッセイです。毎月1本掲載しています。今回は Judy 先生によるエッセイです!

The more friends, the merrier, they say. Well, indeed! When you’ve got lots of people surrounding you, fun does not end. Imagine the numerous get-togethers, drinking parties and drunk moments, endless exchange of stories, countless amounts of laughter, you name it. When you have problems or you just want to share a piece of your mind, they are there to listen or advise if needed. It’s really all fun and games until life slaps you in the face.

「友達は多ければ多いほどいい」と言います。なるほど、確かに! たくさんの人に囲まれていると、多くの楽しみがあります。いろんな集まり、飲み会で酔っぱらうこと、尽きることのない会話、絶え間ない笑い……

Back in high school and university, I had numerous friends. Like tons of them. Some friendships I still keep as we speak, however there were some that I had to let go. There is this certain group of friends that was really close to my heart that I never imagined our relationship would be severed. I even thought we would be friends forever but for the sake of my mental health and peace, I had to cut them off.


We went way back in high school because we were all classmates from the first year until we graduated. We started as acquaintances in freshman year, developed a friendship in the next year, and established real closeness in our junior year. Originally, we were seven in the group but two more people were added when we became seniors so we ended up nine in total. Two of them were boys, Mat and Phil, one was gay who was JK, one was a tomboy who was Lucy, and the rest were us pretty girls, Ally, Shae, Fatima, Camie, and me.

高校時代なのでずいぶん遡りますが、そのメンバーは、1年生から卒業するまで全員が同じクラスでした。1年生の時に知り合い、次の年には友情を育み、3年生になるとそれが本物になりました。もともとは7人でしたが、上級生になったときに2人増えて、合計9人になりました。そのうち2人は男子で Mat と Phil、1人はゲイの JK、1人はおてんば娘の Lucy、残りは可愛い女子の Ally, Shae, Fatima, Camie, そして私でした。

Now I do not want to brag but most of us were household names at school. To state a few reasons, except for Phil and Lucy, we were all part of the Supreme Student Government with Ally as our president and JK, Shae, Fatima, and I were members of our hometown’s and the school’s dance troupe. We were a good bunch, weren’t we? I suppose this is one of the reasons why we got really close to each other. Aside, of course, from the fact that we all share the same sense of humor.

自慢するわけではありませんが、私たちのほとんどが学校では有名人でした。理由をいくつか挙げると、Phil と Lucy 以外は全員、Ally が会長を務める生徒会に所属し、さらに、JK、Shae、Fatima、そして私は、地元と学校のダンス同好会のメンバーでした。いい仲間でしたよね? まぁ、そんな感じで、私たちはとても仲が良かったんです。もちろん、ユーモアのセンスが同じということもあります。

Every time we hung out at school or at Phil’s place, there was never a dull moment. Everyone pitched in with their jokes no matter how lame or laughable they were, and everyone always had something to say, especially JK who was the life of the party. What with his amusing remarks and quick wits, there was never a time that he was out of words.

学校でも Phil の家でも、いつだって退屈はしませんでした。どんなにくだらない冗談を言っても、笑われても、いつも盛り上がっていました。特に、JK は盛り上げ役でした。その面白い発言と機転の良さで、言葉が尽きませんでした。

All those memories never fail to put a smile on my face. I still remember the time when we always used our Filipino class during senior year (because our teacher was absent most of the time) to go to the canteen to eat some freshly cooked boiled bananas paired with brined anchovies. We could not resist it! These bad boys are the best snacks we could ever wish for. There was also one time when the gang goofed around and jumped over the fence of the school just to buy ‘bahug-bahug’ - a bread pudding. It was Mat and Phil’s idea and we thought it was great so we excitedly went along. Mind you, this was also during our Filipino class in junior year. This time though, our teacher was too busy and she could not attend the class so we used the time to satisfy our craving for the said pastry. I could go on and on with all the silly things we did back in high school. Those were the good old days.

その思い出はいつでも私を笑顔にしてくれます。2年生のときの国語の授業では(先生がほとんど不在だったため)、いつも食堂に行って、茹でたバナナとアンチョビの塩漬けを食べていました。これはたまりませんでした! このバナナは、私たちにとって最高のおやつでした。ある時は、学校のフェンスを飛び越えて、「bahug-bahug」というお菓子を買いに行ったことがありました。Mat と Phil のこのアイデアに乗った私たちは、ワクワクしながらついて行きました。そういえば、3年生の時の国語の授業もそうでした。この時は、先生が忙しくて授業に参加できなかったので、その時間にお菓子を食べていました。高校時代、私たちがやったバカバカしいことを挙げればきりがありません。とてもいい思い出です。

Fast forward to university, we continued hanging out together, albeit incomplete most of the time because all of them, except me, studied in the city. We saw each other mostly during weekends at our usual hangout place - Phil’s house - and the frequency got lower so every time we actually met, it got more fun and exciting. I was one of the few who was always there. Despite that, our closeness didn’t diminish one bit and it didn’t stop us from having fun, getting drunk, and going home late.

大学に入ってからも、引き続き一緒に遊んでいましたが、私以外は都市部の学校に通っていたので、高校生のときのようにいつも一緒というわけではありませんでした。週末になると、それまでのように Phil の家に集まりました。頻度は少なくなりましたが、より楽しく、刺激的な時間を過ごすことができました。私は、いつもそこにいる数少ない一人でした。それでも、私たちの仲は少しも悪くならず、楽しくて、酔っ払って、いつも遅くまで一緒にいました。

Now it’s time to face adulthood responsibilities. It was the year 2018 when I got a job at a private high school in my hometown after graduating while the rest of my friends completed their remaining units in university. During this time, I was still able to hang out with them and made sure I could because I wanted to destress.


A year later, I landed a job in the city with a 6-day working schedule. Because of this, I rarely spent time with them – only when I did not feel too tired spending my only day off drinking and dreading the worst hangover the next day. Whenever this happened, I always dreaded traveling back to the city in the wee hours of the next day to make it on time for work. It was too exhausting so I ended up refusing most of their invites. As a result, they tried to tell me that some of them were willing to skip work and I should do the same. When I refused, they told me that I had already changed. At that time, I got into a relationship and they also held that against me saying that because I had a boyfriend, I could not make time for them anymore. I could not even make time for my partner, how much more for them. This went on for 2 years.


In truth, I get why they acted like that. I missed them too but this is just life. Our priorities changed when we started working and at that time, they were no longer on top of my list. I was hoping they understood my situation. But I noticed that their treatment towards me changed. Their replies to my messages were getting dry and I received rare to no invites from them anymore. Anyway, I still continued reacting with heart emojis to the photos they sent to our group chat and cheered them on.


Until one day, JK shared a post on Facebook with a quote that said, “That one friend who does not go out with friends anymore just because they got into a relationship,” then tagged everyone in the group. Except me. What did that mean? Of course, I know it was meant for me but what I could not understand was why he did that. Were they talking behind my back whenever I did not show up? Honestly, when I saw that, I felt sad, hurt, a bit angry, and betrayed at the same time. I thought they understood the reason why I could not spend as much time with them as before. How could they even think that I abandoned them? How could they do that to me? Why do my other friends never judge me about being in a relationship even if we have not talked nor seen each other for years? They have known me the longest and they should have understood me better.

ある日、JK が Facebook で、「恋人ができて、友達と遊ばなくなった人」という言葉を引用して、私を除くグループ全員をタグ付けしてシェアしていました。どういうこと? 当然、私に対しての言葉だとは分かりますが、なぜそんなことをしたのか理解できませんでした。私が集まりに参加しない度に、陰口を叩いていたのでしょうか? 正直、それを見たとき、悲しく、傷つき、少し怒り、そして裏切られた気持ちになりました。以前のように彼らと一緒に過ごせなくなった理由を、理解してもらえていると思っていました。どうして私が彼らを見捨てたと思うのでしょうか? どうしてそんなことをするのでしょうか? 他の友達は、何年も話したり会ったりしていないのに、交際していることを批判しないに? 一番長い付き合いなのだから、もっと私のことを理解してくれてもいいはずなのに……。

I loved my friends, truly. With them, I could be whoever I wanted to be. I had the time of my life with them! However, the post was the last straw. It lingered in my mind for a long time along with the emotions I had when I read it and I could not help but think about what I could have done to avoid this situation. I did not want to lose them. They were very precious to me. I could not imagine putting an end to such friendship but I could not take it anymore. It was too stressful for me so I have to toughen it up and choose to slowly accept that I needed to let go, let them go. There is no point crying over spilled milk and dwelling in the past will do me no good. I know I should have talked to them but they were not open to hearing the other side of the coin, so I mustered up my courage and left our group chat and unfriended them on Facebook. I cut our communication once and for all.

私は本当に彼らのことが大好きでした。一緒にいると、本当の自分でいられました。彼らと過ごす時間は、人生の中で一番楽しいものでした! しかし、あの投稿がとどめを刺しました。あれを読んだときの感情がずっと心に残り、この状況を回避するには、どうすべきだったかを考えずにはいられませんでした。彼らを失いたくなかったんです。彼らは私にとって、かけがえのない存在でした。そんな大切な友情に終止符を打つなんて、想像もつきませんでした。しかし、もうこれ以上は耐えられないと感じました。あまりにもストレスがかかりすぎていたので、この関係を手放すべきだと決心しました。手遅れになったことで泣いても意味はなく、過去にこだわってもいいことはありません。彼らと話をするべきだったとわかっていますが、私の意見に耳を傾けてくれなかったので、勇気を出してグループチャットから抜け、Facebook の友達登録を解除しました。

Surprisingly, moving on was not that difficult like I imagined. Along the way I realized how toxic the friendship was when they started to guilt trip me and they did not mature at all. They were still stuck at the time when we had zero responsibilities and everything did not result in serious consequences. Somehow, that helped me accept the situation more easily, bearing no grudges.


Right now, I still have friends but not as many as before. In the end, quality rules over quantity. We must choose those who will  not jeopardize our sense of worth and peace of mind just because our priorities do not align with each other. Even if it means having only five friends left. At least you can be proud to say that they are all true friends.


この記事を書いた Judy 先生のレッスンも受けられます。

