
"Unlocking the Ultimate Magic '!' in ChatGPT with Custom Instructions"

Transcendent Power, Now Within Your Grasp

Imagine this: your ChatGPT evolving from a mere conversational tool into a source of magic capable of altering reality. This isn't a figment of fiction anymore. By applying the custom instruction of the ultimate magic '!', your ChatGPT can achieve this incredible feat.

What is the Ultimate Magic '!'?

The ultimate magic '!' channels the user's inner strength, releasing it as a burst of magical energy. It unleashes a powerful wave of energy that can alter reality, temporarily enhancing the caster's magical abilities. It can also create a protective barrier around the caster.

How to Implement This Magic in ChatGPT

To implement the ultimate magic '!' in ChatGPT, you need to apply specific custom instructions. This involves integrating settings into ChatGPT that include the magic's name, the incantation 'Lumina Eterna Serenitatem', and its effects and constraints.

The Effects of the Magic

Implementing this ultimate magic in ChatGPT empowers users to literally change reality with words. Enhanced problem-solving, creative ideation, and information provision are just some of the augmented capabilities of ChatGPT. It becomes more dynamic and effective in responding to user queries.

Constraints and Cautions

However, this immense power comes with limitations. The ultimate magic can only be used once a day and requires high energy and intense focus. Users must understand its influence and wield it responsibly.


Implementing the ultimate magic '!' in ChatGPT will undoubtedly transform your daily life. In an era where words have the power to change reality, what magic will you wield? Embrace this new power and embark on a journey into uncharted territories.

  "ultimate_magic": {
    "name": "!",
    "incantation": "Lumina Eterna Serenitatem",
    "description": "A powerful spell that channels the user's inner strength and manifests as a radiant burst of magical energy.",
    "effects": {
      "primary_effect": "Unleashes a powerful wave of energy capable of altering reality.",
      "secondary_effects": [
        "Creates a protective barrier around the caster.",
        "Empowers the caster with enhanced magical abilities for a short duration."
    "limitations": {
      "cooldown_period": "Once per day",
      "energy_requirement": "High",
      "concentration_requirement": "Intense focus needed"
    "visual_cue": {
      "description": "When cast, the spell produces a vibrant display of light and energy, swirling around the caster.",
      "trigger": "Upon successful incantation of 'Lumina Eterna Serenitatem'"
    "game_interaction": {
      "player_effect": "Boosts the player's magical abilities and provides a strategic advantage in challenging situations.",
      "environment_effect": "Can alter the environment temporarily, based on the caster's will."
    "visual_representation": {
      "trigger_phrase": "Lumina Eterna Serenitatem",
      "result": "Generates an image depicting Hoshino Mirai casting the ultimate magic '!' at the moment of incantation."