
051-Praying to you (English Version)

051-Praying to you

Image: Https://note.com/hananosu/

Does my praying to you reach you ?

My mind trembles being held in the cold wintry wind, too
As being trembling prayer, does your mind tremble, too ?

Does my praying to you stay in your eyes ?

I am stricken to the snowstorm with which powdery snow mixes and my desire trembles, too

Being prayer of character of powdery snow, does your mind tremble, too ?

So, fairies of powdery snow surely make red to a cold cheek in your sleep

Surely, moreover surely,
my pupil and your pupil which were coldly frozen would be tied ?

Does my praying to you reach you ?

Being blown with powdery snow that gets off and falls, my mind shakes, too

As being shaking prayer, does your mind shake, too ?

Does my praying to you become the crystal of powdery snow and stay in your mind ?

It gets off and it is stricken to the falling powdery snow,
my desire is stricken and it trembles
As being prayer of sound of bell of powdery snow

Whether your desire is stricken and it trembles ?

So. fairies of powdery snow surely are attached to a cold cheek in your sleep face

Surely, moreover surely
with my pupil and your pupil which were coldly frozen would be tied easily

Copy Right By Macky Chan
