Vacation design株式会社


Vacation design株式会社

栃木県の那須塩原に無人リゾート施設(ヴィラ)を2024年秋開業予定。その名も「experience villa那須塩原」。 日本初の源泉100%掛け流し温泉、サウナ、テニスコート付ヴィラ コンセプトは「非日常を独り占め。温泉×サウナ×アクティビティ-ワンランク上のヴィラステイ-」


  • 固定された記事

【目次】experience villa 那須塩原 - 本物の温泉×アクティビティで非日常を独り占め

記事が増えて少し見づらくなってきましたので、目次となるページを作成しました。下記からご関心のある記事にアクセスいただければと思います。 施設紹介"温泉×サウナ×アクティビティ"の魅力を徹底解剖!「experience villa 那須塩原」の実力に迫る。 一棟貸し高級ヴィラで過ごす、非日常の休日。「experience villa 那須塩原」が提案する新しい旅のカタチ。 源泉かけ流し温泉とプライベートサウナ・岩盤浴で極上のリラックスを。「experience villa

    • 【温泉完全ガイド】源泉かけ流しで至福の癒し体験!泉質別効能と正しい入浴方法で健康効果を最大限に!

      温泉は、日本が誇る癒やしの宝庫。古くから人々に愛され、心身のリフレッシュに欠かせない存在です。この記事では、温泉のさまざまな魅力を徹底解説!特に、源泉100%かけ流しの温泉の魅力に焦点を当て、その素晴らしさをお伝えします。 泉質ごとの特徴や効能、おすすめの温泉地、含まれる有効成分、さらには正しい入浴方法まで、温泉を最大限に楽しむための知識を網羅しています。 この記事を読めば、あなたにぴったりの温泉が見つかり、その効果を最大限に実感できること間違いなし!さあ、温泉の世界へ一

      • Episode 4: Three-generation family trip (12 people, grandparents, parents, children)

        Characters: Grandfather Kentaro (75 years old): Former university professor. He has extensive knowledge and experience and cherishes his family. Grandmother Michiko (73 years old): Kentaro's wife. She wishes for her family's happiness abo

        • Episode 3: Men's hot spring trip (7 people, 50s, hobby mates)

          Characters: Kenji (55 years old): CEO of a major manufacturing company. Amidst his busy days, he values his hobby time. Takashi (54 years old): Doctor. While protecting his patients' health, he also takes care of his own health management

        • 固定された記事

        【目次】experience villa 那須塩原 - 本物の温泉×アクティビティで非日常を独り占め

          Episode 2: A girls' trip (6 people, 40s, close friends)

          Characters: Rie (45 years old): Medical equipment company sales manager. Her work and private life are fulfilling, but she sometimes wants to spend time relaxing with friends. Kumi (44 years old): Housewife. She struggles with raising thr

          Episode 2: A girls' trip (6 people, 40s, close friends)

          Episode 1: A group of university friends and their families (Part 2)

          [Part 2] Click here for Part 1 Characters: Kenta (35 years old): Office worker, father of 4-year-old twins (Daiki and Daichi) with his wife Yuko. He was the captain of the tennis club in college and has a bright and caring personality.

          Episode 1: A group of university friends and their families (Part 2)

          Episode 1: A group of university friends and their families (Part 1)

          [Part 1] Characters: Kenta (35 years old): Office worker, father of 4-year-old twins (Daiki and Daichi) with his wife Yuko. He was the captain of the tennis club in college and has a bright and caring personality. Yuko (34 years old): Ho

          Episode 1: A group of university friends and their families (Part 1)

          experience villa Nasushiobara Story ~ A Special 2 Nights and 3 Days Woven by 10 Groups of Guests ~ Series Begins

          Hello everyone! We are starting a new series called "experience villa Nasushiobara Story ~ A Special 2 Nights and 3 Days Woven by 10 Groups of Guests~" where we invite various groups of customers to "experience villa Nasushiobara" and intro

          experience villa Nasushiobara Story ~ A Special 2 Nights and 3 Days Woven by 10 Groups of Guests ~ Series Begins

          The CEO of Vacation Design Corporation. talks about the journey to starting a business and his passion for the venture.

          In the previous interview, we shared Mr. Saito's journey that led to the launch of the "experience villa" business. This time, we will delve deeper into Mr. Saito's background, focusing on his path from graduating university, working as an

          The CEO of Vacation Design Corporation. talks about the journey to starting a business and his passion for the venture.

          What is the future of the new travel style that "experience villa" aims for? An interview with the representative, Mr. Ryusei Saito.

          Hello! In the previous article, we took a detailed look at the location of "experience villa Nasushiobara" and the charm of the Nasushiobara area. This time, I'd like to interview the representative, Mr. Ryusei Saito, about the future of t

          What is the future of the new travel style that "experience villa" aims for? An interview with the representative, Mr. Ryusei Saito.

          A spacious villa accommodating up to 12 guests. "experience villa Nasushiobara" ensures a comfortable stay even for large groups!

          Hello! In the previous article, we took a detailed look at the charm of the location of "experience villa Nasushiobara." This time, I'd like to focus on the appeal of the villa itself, especially the spacious interior that makes it comforta

          A spacious villa accommodating up to 12 guests. "experience villa Nasushiobara" ensures a comfortable stay even for large groups!

          Refresh your mind and body surrounded by the great outdoors in Nasushiobara. What is the appeal of "experience villa Nasushiobara"'s location?

          Hello! In the previous article, we took a detailed look at the extensive activity facilities at "experience villa Nasushiobara." This time, I'd like to delve into the charm of the Nasushiobara area, where "experience villa Nasushiobara" is

          Refresh your mind and body surrounded by the great outdoors in Nasushiobara. What is the appeal of "experience villa Nasushiobara"'s location?

          Tennis, futsal, BBQ, and golf practice too! "experience villa Nasushiobara" boasts an array of activity facilities!

          Hello! In the previous article, we took a detailed look at the pride of "experience villa Nasushiobara": its hot spring facilities. This time, we'd like to focus on the extensive activity facilities that can be enjoyed both inside and outsi

          Tennis, futsal, BBQ, and golf practice too! "experience villa Nasushiobara" boasts an array of activity facilities!

          Enjoy ultimate relaxation with free-flowing hot spring water, private sauna, and stone bath. A closer look at the hot spring facilities of "experience villa Nasushiobara"!

          Hello! This time, we'd like to focus on the pride of "experience villa Nasushiobara": its hot spring facilities. In fact, the hot springs at "experience villa Nasushiobara" are filled with the owner's passion. The owner, Mr. Saito, is a ce

          Enjoy ultimate relaxation with free-flowing hot spring water, private sauna, and stone bath. A closer look at the hot spring facilities of "experience villa Nasushiobara"!

          Spending an extraordinary holiday in a high-class villa for exclusive use. "experience villa Nasushiobara" proposes a new style of travel.

          In the previous article, we introduced the appeal of the hot springs, sauna, and activity facilities at "experience villa Nasushiobara." This time, we'd like to take a step further and consider the new way of spending a vacation proposed by

          Spending an extraordinary holiday in a high-class villa for exclusive use. "experience villa Nasushiobara" proposes a new style of travel.

          [Table of Contents] experience villa Nasushiobara - Monopolize the Extraordinary with Authentic Hot Springs × Activities

          Facility IntroductionA thorough examination of the charm of "Hot Springs × Sauna × Activities"! Uncovering the true potential of "experience villa Nasushiobara." Spending an extraordinary holiday in a high-class villa for exclusive use. "e

          [Table of Contents] experience villa Nasushiobara - Monopolize the Extraordinary with Authentic Hot Springs × Activities