White House to hold secret talks with Taiwan officials in Washington, FT, Feb. 18, 2023.

Demetri Sevastopulo in Charleston, South Carolina, and Kathrin Hille in Taipei

Dialogue is part of ‘special channel’ of diplomacy as US-China relations worsen over spy balloon drama

Foreign Minister Joseph Wu and National Security Adviser Wellington Koo will lead the delegation from Taiwan, and will meet U.S. Deputy National Security Adviser Jon Finer and Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman for talks meant to be private to avoid a reaction from China.  (Summary from NCUSCR’s mailing list)

The White House will next week hold secret talks with Taiwan’s foreign minister Joseph Wu and national security adviser Wellington Koo as part of a special diplomatic dialogue intended to remain private to avoid sparking an angry reaction from China. Five people familiar with the secret talks — known as the “special channel” — said Wu and Koo would lead the delegation. After arriving at the weekend, the Taiwanese team will next week meet Jon Finer, the US deputy national security adviser. One person said Wendy Sherman, deputy secretary of state, would also take part in the meetings. ( To be continued on the FT website)
