



まずは、葛城市公式観光サイト「Go Katsuragi」で紹介されている、春季企画展「竹内峠を越えて -葛城の古道を巡る」を訪れました。ここでは、葛城市の豊かな自然と歴史を感じることができます。また、相撲発祥の地として知られる葛城市相撲館「けはや座」では、原寸大の土俵や数千点の資料が展示されており、相撲の歴史に触れることができました。

次に、じゃらんnetで紹介されている観光スポットランキングTOP10にも目を通しました。特に、道の駅 ふたかみパーク當麻は、地元の新鮮な野菜や特産品を楽しむことができる素敵な場所です。また、二上山ふるさと公園では、広大な自然の中でリラックスすることができ、心身ともに癒されました。


BowGriP Rakuyuubi's travel report. Katsuragi City, Nara Prefecture (fiction)

Hello, this is BowGriP Rakuyuubi. This time, I visited Katsuragi City, Nara Prefecture, where Japanese history and nature live. This place is full of new discoveries and impressions. You can experience the nature and culture of the four seasons and have an exciting experience.

First, I visited the spring special exhibition "Beyond Takeuchi Pass - Walking the Old Roads of Katsuragi" introduced on Katsuragi City's official tourism site "Go Katsuragi". Here, you can feel the rich nature and history of Katsuragi City. Also, at Katsuragi City Sumo Hall "Kehayaza", known as the birthplace of sumo, a full-sized sumo ring and thousands of documents are on display, allowing you to experience the history of sumo.

Next, I looked at the TOP 10 tourist spots introduced on Jalan.net. In particular, the roadside station Futakami Park Touma is a wonderful place where you can enjoy fresh local vegetables and specialty products. At Nijo-san Furusato Park, I was able to relax in the vast natural surroundings, healing both my body and mind.

Katsuragi City is a fascinating region where tradition and innovation coexist. I, BowGriP Rakuyu-bi, experienced and shared with you the charms of this region, which continues to provide visitors with new discoveries and excitement. Please visit Katsuragi City in Nara Prefecture and see its charms for yourself. Stay tuned for my next travel report!


