






BowGriP's travel port is your go-to destination. Edited by Habikino City, Osaka Prefecture (fiction)

Hello, this is BowGriP Rakuyuubi. This travelogue is brought to you from Habikino City, Osaka Prefecture. Habikino City is located in the southern part of Osaka and is a place where history and nature coexist beautifully. I, Rakuyuubi, came here to explore the charm of this place.

The first place we visited was the Furuichi Kofun Group. This is one of the largest groups of ancient tombs in Japan, and it's a place that captivates even those who don't like history. You can feel the ancient times in the quiet greenery. Next, to enjoy the nature of Habikino City, we headed to Fujiidera Green Park. Here, you can enjoy a leisurely stroll while being surrounded by seasonal flowers and greenery.

During meal time, enjoy local flavors. Habikino City is also known as a famous strawberry production area, where you can experience the ``taste of hometown''. Also, through interacting with the local people, I was able to feel the warmth of this area firsthand.

Habikino City is a wonderful place that combines history, nature, and the warmth of its people. As BowGriP Rakyuubi, we are honored to be able to experience the charm of this place and share it with you. I'm looking forward to my next trip. See you again in the next report!


