
One of the objectives of this community


Democracy is an unfinished religion

Although, as we saw above, there can be democracy without liberty, there can never be secure liberty without democracy. ... If I had to choose between liberty and democracy, I should be hard put to it to know which to prefer, since it is only by means of liberty that progress, whether intellectual or moral, is possible. Fortunately, no such choice is forced upon us.
What is Democracy ? 1953 russell

In recent years, social distortions have become deeper and deeper.
In Japan, problems are piling up.
These include the use of unspent tax money, the internationally condemned intolerance of the refugee admission system, the lack of support for children in a society with a very low birthrate and aging population, various policies that have abandoned the establishment of a supply chain model for primary industries, the nuclear power plant problem, and the nursing care problem.
There is also an absence of a self-sustaining social model based on small local units, and the form of civil society does not appear as if it is scattered in isolation, with each individual in a discrete state.

At some point, I began to think as follows. I would like to find a warm and small social model in which small communities are connected to each other at a moderate distance, support each other, and have an ethic of helping each other in order for everyone to coexist.



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