
英語エッセイ:An unfortunate incident…

I love walking my dog, but unexpected things can happen when you are with dogs…

You see, my dog, Shushu, loves rolling around outside and I love watching her doing it because she looks happy and it seems to be satisfying for her.

Anyway, the other day, I went to the park with her as usual and there were a lot of piles of fallen leaves around. She approached one of those and started sniffing it. I immediately knew she wanted to roll in it, so I took out my phone and occupied myself while she was busy doing that. I could hear her enjoying herself as I was looking at my phone, and it seemed to go on for longer than usual, but I didn’t think much of it.

But then I looked up and saw her, and she was completely yellow!! I quickly realized she was entirely covered in another dog’s poo!! My brain just froze, and it took a moment to accept the reality of the situation.
Luckily, I had two hand towels and extra plastic bags with me, so I tried to wipe off as much as possible, telling her “DON’T YOU DARE SHAKE YOUR BODY!”

It was all stuck in her hair, and the smell was terrible. We ran home and got straight into the bath. It was the worst incident I’ve ever had with her, and yet, it has kind of become one of our most treasured memories.

phrases I learned

  • take out

take out で、「取り出す」という意味があるそうで、ポケットやバッグなどの「中」に入っているものを「外」に出す時に特に使われる。

  • occupy oneself

occupy + oneselfは自分自身をそれでいっぱいにすることであり「~で忙しくする、~でいっぱいにする」といった意味で使われる。
