
#001 Single x Living with an Inner Terrace in the city center

1. The trigger : Living in the city center

A home that is worth the price
It is a generation where people can afford to spend money and are able to pursue personal lifestyles. Just about that time, Mr. O was living in a rented room in the city center.
However, living in city area where the rent is high, the ratio of housing costs to personal income inevitably increases if you are single. In such a case, the idea of ​​purchasing a compact apartment comes to mind. But, it is generally difficult to find a property available on the market that is fitted to the desired personal lifestyle.
"I want to live in a house that is worth the money I pay"
Thinking so, Mr. O participated in a renovation seminar held by Bluestudio and decided to renovate a second-hand apartment. The real estate hunting with Bluestudio started once Mr.O’s work settled down.
2. Real estate hunting : Property without a balcony

Property selection for renovation
"Area where Shinjuku and Shibuya can be accessed easily by bicycle"
"A huge balcony"
Under these conditions, Mr. O started real estate hunting with Bluestudio. However, it was difficult to find the ideal property that fits.
After a year and a half, we finally found a 36-year-old apartment in the desired area that meets Mr.O’s requirements.
Although it was a property that did not meet the condition of a “huge balcony”,
With the experience of real estate hunting over a long period of time, Mr. O was fully aware of the possibilities of renovation with the property.
3. Renovation : Inner terrace proposal

A design with an inner terrace and a huge glass sliding door
To realize Mr. O's desire to live in a room with a large balcony, we have proposed to create an inner terrace in the living room.
A space near the window that is 6 meters wide and 0.8 meters in depth was partitioned with a steel-framed glass sliding door. Selected floor tiles are used to create an outdoor feeling to the space.
This creates an open space with plenty of light.

Multiple times of meetings were held between Mr.O and the designer to decide the design of the glass door.
“I wanted to create a rustic feel, so I thought carefully about the color and thickness of the steel frame, and even how the glass was laid out. I was presented with a scaled-down model of the glass door by Bluestudio so that I could have an idea of how it would look like.”
A revolving window was installed on the glass door acting as the window between the inner terrace and the bedroom. It was inspired by the beautiful revolving window that I’ve seen on my trip to Northern Europe and I conveyed the image to the designer with the photos that I have taken.
4. Completion of residence: Enjoy the display

Plants, miscellaneous goods, and used furniture were selected
The inner terrace comes to the sight upon entering the house.
In addition to Mr.O’s favorite bicycle, items selected by him were also displayed throughout the living space.
On the other hand, used furniture and art pieces found in various stores are tastefully arranged in the living space that is laid with parquet flooring, turning it into a café, gallery-liked space.
The full-height sliding door up to the ceiling between the entrance and the wet area was inspired by the design of Aalto’s residence that I had visited during my trip to Northern Europe.
5. New life: Art collection

Enjoyment of the new living space
Mr. O picked up a new hobby of artwork collection after he moved into the apartment.
“I used to be fascinated by works of art, but I couldn't get my hands on them.”
In the living room, there were sculptures and paintings of birds drawn directly on the walls by professional illustrators that were not there when he first moved in.
During the time of the renovation, Mr. O was thinking about moving to another place in the future, but now he has built a strong attachment to this space that he feels that he might not be able to give it up to other people.

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