
Seasons Greetings 2023

English  text is below▼







令和5年 兎年の瀬 1週間分の薬を整理しつつ。B

Last infusion received of 2023

Dear All,

Season's greetings from B.
How is your life in 2023?
I hope it was great.

For me it was very hard to say and write in other languages, neither in Japanese.

So I will introduce an message I had recived.

In an E-mail  at the end of the year from a lawyer I was communicating with said...

"I know this has been a horrible year to you, but in conventional wisdom, it is thought it could not be worse."

I couldn't help but laugh (it was written in a very lawyerly way, I thought).

Yes, Really hopefully my next year might be better in conventionally. haha.

So thanks for your reading or caring me.

My diary will continue. I still can't finish 2023 at all.
Please stay touching.

And wish your next year will be great.
See you soon.

The last remaining days of the Year of the Rabbit, B

Sorting out medications to take next year
