
My 農ライフ

理想の農ライフを追い求めるライフログ。 家族で都市生活と農的な暮らしのちょうど真ん中を目指します。ほどよく働き、ほどよく作る。 その実現に向けた日々の生活の営み、理想の生活につい…


【Mac】SpotifyとApple Musicのまさかの物語

Macを使っています。でもスマホはAndroidです。 Appleだけに好み(この身)の全てを捧げるも…


今週もたくさんのスキ、コメント、フォローありがとうございます! 今週は親になって初めての…

【英語日記#10】Watching Sports

Volleyball, swimming, rugby, and more. I have great respect for professional athletes. …

【朝の日課】Morning Setup

Good morning. I often attend "Morning Setup" in our coaching community via Zoom. What …

【寝違えた】I spelt on my neck funny.

Ouch!!!! When I got up this morning, I couldn't move my neck properly. I spelt on my …

Big meeting was over. It's too much for me. Let me go to sleep earlier tonight.
Tomorrow will come for all.

【季節の変わり目】 Just chillin'

Last night, we had a very good time at a friend's house. Kids enjoyed a pool with slider. Parents enjoyed chatting. In the evening, getting dark and starting magical minutes. I wαs seeing the beautiful sky on swinging in a hammock. Then I

【ものもらい】I have a sty in my left eye

Since last night, I have felt a little feverish in my left eye. This morning, I found so…

Over the rainbow

A-OK 1st September just began I still want to a moment to take all in after the beaut…


End of Summer Vacation I think it was the unforgettable summer for my daughter. She h…