




Jumping into a business field may not feel like feminism some days but you can be a role model to young women, demand a corporate culture that treats them equally, lay groundwork for a better business Community, make sure female inventors and designers are given a change to get financially backed.
You have 100 ways before you to make the changes you wish to see in the world.
I’d suggest you look outside if Japan more perhaps. Business people seem to read a lot of biographies. Read up on the woman that founded Bumble. Read up on the women that inherited pro sports teams or companies and made them better. Jeanie Buss with the Lakers is fascinating. You may need to find your inspiration elsewhere so that you can be one of the first women to do such things in Japan. Somebody has to break that countries' glass ceiling, I don’t see any reason it can’t be you that does it.
日本の外を見てみると良い。ビジネスで活躍する人は伝記をよく読んでいる。Bumbleを作った人について研究してみたり、プロスポーツチームを引き継いでいる女性、会社をより良くしたことで知られる女性についてよく調べたりしてみて。LakersのJeanie Bussなんかも魅力的で参考になるだろう。日本において偉大な業績を残す女性の一人になれるためにも、自分のインスピレーションとなるような人をどこかで見つけられるといいね。誰かがガラスの天井を壊す必要があるし、君ならその役を引き受けられると思う。
You may need years to do it, but if you work on it day by day and also give yourself a break sometimes you will accomplish things eventually that you cannot imagine now.
Be kind to yourself. If you are closer to your goals this year than last year, but you can’t let yourself get hung up on whichever goals are now not as far along as you expected.. If You’re always moving forward your progress will get you where you need to go at the right time. When you are ready and prepared.
You may have to become the role model in Japan. Someone does. Greta and Mallala didn’t plan to be role models. They just enacted what they believed and they inspired millions.
Good luck. You don’t need to stand up to the Taliban or end pollution across the globe to be important. The lady that started  Bumble simply made a dating app that made it easier for women to stay a little safer, and encouraged him to be a little nicer when trying to meet someone for dinner. It’s a tiny thing that can transform the world if it becomes the more popular way for us to meet each other.
重要な人物となるためには必ずしもタリバンや環境汚染に立ち向かう必要はない。Bumbleを作った女性は、女性が少しでも安全でいられるようにという思想を持ってdating appを作り、それが結果的にマッチする男性側にとってご飯に誘う際に今までより少し親切になることを促すことになった。最初はほんの小さなことでも、それがより一般的になれば世界は変わる。
Good luck getting your degree and figuring out your next path. In a country of women that speak quietly but are deeply intelligent and well educated, I hope you find a place to use your voice. I have no doubt that young women could learn a tremendous amount from you if you can find the right way to reach them. So please keep up the podcast and other media, just putting your face out in public and showing that you are capable of completing with the boys, that alone has to inspire more people than you know.

