
beBit Open Newsletter

A newsletter for beBit Inc. employees - open to the public! Delivering information about …


【Inside beBit】Division of Marketing & Communications - Liu-san

Inside beBit - A project in which we ask 10 questions about a beBit member's work and personal life. We hope that “Inside beBit” will provide an opportunity to get to know more about the individuals you work with. In this issue, we had Liu-

Looking Back at Personal Highlights of 2023!

Hello everyone! I’m Eri from the DMC (Department of Marketing and Communications). As 2023 nears its end, we wanted to hear about how the past year went for everyone. There are sure to have been many challenges and experiences. For this in

beBit Exploring the City? Looking back at the "Otemachi and Marunouchi Heuristic" event!

Hello, I’m Kaede from the DMC (Department of Marketing & Communications). I’d like to share with everyone a report on the Otemachi/Marunouchi Heuristic event, an internal event held on Friday, October 6th, 2023, which was informative, inter


Hello everyone. I’m Kenny from the DMC (Division of Marketing & Communications) that was newly established in August. In 2023, “Generative AI” has become a term that people hear almost every day. I myself am working hard every day to try t

Asking senior employees about things new graduate employees are curious about!

Hello everyone! Eri here from the MCO and Marketing Division. This week, we are focusing on the new grads who joined our company in April. For part 1 (out of 2), we asked senior employees about things the new graduate beBiters were curious

beBit Open Newsletter Survey Results Announced!

Hello everyone! We are the beBit Open Newsletter editorial team. Almost a year has passed since we started the Open Newsletter in March of 2022. A total of 46 articles have been published so far. We have been releasing an article almost e

Data Report on beBiters Part 2

Hello everyone! It’s Eri from the Market Creation Office (MCO)! This is an installment of “Data Report on beBiters,” a three-part series in which we will report on the results of the survey that was recently sent out. This installment wil