



A man and a woman happened to sit next to one another on a train. The woman took out a book and began reading. The train stopped at a half dozen stations, but she never looked up once. The man watching her for a while, then asked, "What are you reading?"

"It's a ghost story," she said. "It's very good, very spooky." "Do you believe in ghosts?" he asked. "Yes I do," she replied. "There are ghosts everywhere." "I don't believe in them," he said. "It's just a lot of superstition. In all my years I've never seen a ghost, not one."

"Haven't you?" the woman said - and vanished.


Once upon a time, a man and a woman found themselves seated next to each other on a train. The woman took out a book and immersed herself in its pages. The train made several stops at different stations, yet she remained engrossed, never once lifting her gaze. Intrigued, the man observed her for a while before asking, "What are you reading?"

"It's a ghost story," she said with excitement. "It's really good, quite spooky." "Do you believe in ghosts?" he inquired further. "Yes, I do," she replied confidently. "I think there are ghosts everywhere." "I don't believe in them," he countered, expressing his skepticism. "To me, it just seems like a lot of superstition. Throughout all my years, I've never seen a ghost, not even one."

"Haven't you?" the woman said, leaving him with a mysterious remark - and then suddenly disappeared, much to his astonishment.


Once upon a time, a man and a woman found themselves seated beside each other on a train. The woman took out a book and immersed herself in its pages. As the train made several stops at different stations, she remained engrossed, never once lifting her gaze from the captivating text. Intrigued by her dedication, the man observed her for a while before inquiring, "May I ask what book has captured your attention so intensely?"

"It's a ghost story," she replied with enthusiasm. "It's a truly gripping and eerie tale." "Do you actually believe in ghosts?" he asked, curious about her perspective. "Yes, I do," she responded confidently. "I believe that spirits roam everywhere." "Contrarily, I don't believe in them," he remarked, expressing his skepticism. "To me, it seems like a collection of superstitions. Throughout all my years, I've never encountered a ghost, not even once."

"Is that so?" the woman said, leaving him with a cryptic remark - and then, to his utter astonishment, she vanished into thin air.


As fate would have it, a man and a woman found themselves seated beside each other on a train. The woman was engrossed in a captivating book, and throughout the journey, the train made several stops, yet her attention remained steadfastly fixed on her reading material. Curious about her engrossment, the man observed her for a while before inquiring, "May I ask what book has captured your attention so intensely?"

"It's a ghost story," she replied, her voice tinged with excitement. "An exceptionally good one, brimming with eerie elements." "Do you genuinely believe in ghosts?" he inquired further. "Without a doubt," she responded. "Ghosts are all around us." "I, on the other hand, find it hard to believe in such supernatural entities," he countered. "To me, it appears to be mere superstition. Throughout my life, I've never encountered a ghost, not even once."

"Is that so?" the woman said with a mysterious smile - and then, to his utter bewilderment, she disappeared before his eyes.
