
予約が欲しくなりました for reservation


しかし、その時々 この日しか来店できないとか、予定立てているという方のご希望にも応えたいという商売人の鏡のような・・・?

で、もしご予定お持ちでしたらメールでも一報ご予約いただけたらうれしいです さらに、予約をいただけてましたらその日のお席をちゃんとご用意できるというメリットもございます



Recently, we have had an increase in the number of customers from overseas, and our head and body are both exhausted from the daily business of frantically responding to customers' English with a bad brain (I guess it's appropriate for my age).

However, sometimes we want to meet the needs of those who can only come on these days or have other plans, like a model of a businessman...?

If you have any plans, we would appreciate it if you could make a reservation by e-mail.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we would be happy to receive your reservation via email, message, Facebook, or Instagram.

If it is a business day, please call us (we can't check your email during business hours).