
鬼兜を知ってますか? Do you know the ONI-KABUTO?

Made by Takagi Sake Brewery, who brews the famous sake "14th generation" in Yamagata prefecture.
It ’s a regrettable sake to tie it up in rice shochu.
Reprinted from the box writing manual from here

古代より樽貯蔵中に呼吸し樽外にとんだ酒成分を”神へのお返し”と言い樽内にとどまった酒は”神のお恵み”と呼ばれ蒸留酒においては樽貯蔵が最高の方法といわれております 云々・・・

以上 抜粋ですが、なぜコニャックと言ったのかわかりませんが、確かに蒸留酒としては、ウィスキーに似たものがありますね

This product uses Alembic (all-copper charente pot still-fired pot still) based on the raw rice that has been carefully examined, and repeats "ranbiki", and only the part called the heart (chest / middle) is taken out and lengthened. After a period of storage and aging, it is further aged in white oak barrels, so to speak, it is the finest sake that can be called a Japanese sake cognac.
Since ancient times, the liquor component that breathes during barrel storage and stays outside the barrel is called "return to God", and the liquor that stays in the barrel is called "God's grace", and barrel storage is the best method for distilled liquor. It is said that ...

The above is an excerpt, but I don't know why it was called cognac, but it is true that there is something similar to whiskey as distilled liquor.
Therefore, we do not have sake or shochu, but we do have this "ONI-KABUTO" on hand. If you are interested, please do!