
Poetic Sorcery

Modern Sorcery For Travelling Poets 惑星詩人たちの呪文集 http://planetarybards.net Selected and tr…


Minimal Divination

1. Imagine starry sky above you. 2. Feel heat within you. 3. Say "Everything." 4. Wait and see. 最小占術 1. 頭上に星空を想像する 2. 下腹に熱を感じる 3.「すべて」と唱える 4. 心の内を注視する 星 - 熱 - 全 - 観 Poetic Sorcery Issue II-VI planetarybards.net

Japanese Garden Spell

Sweep a tiny Japanese garden and invite anyone who passes by for a tea. If s/he is in helplessness, play cat’s cradle. If s/he is in omnipotence, discuss what to do then. If s/he is in sorrow, give one more piece of cake. If s/he is angry,

The Land of the Dead

If there exists the Land of the Dead, Its population must be much bigger than ours and a newcomer will be surrounded by so many ancestors. Much to learn, severe social adaptation and many things to do. It must be really like living in huge


old pond a diving frog now you grok Poetic Sorcery Issue II-III planetarybards.net

Sun Worshipper

Face the sun It is Self as Monad Adore the stars They are Selves as Mundi 太陽をみよ あれが唯一のわたしである 星空をみよ あれらがわたしたちである Lullaby Good morning, dear sun Good morning, me Good night, dear stars Good night, we all こもりうた おひさま、おはよう おはよう、わたし おほしさま、