
The DDS Volume 3      Chapter 2 No3

This is Ochanomizu.

In the middle of the night, there are few cars on the road and the neon lights have gone out but the moon light is illuminating the street.

The sound of the wind rustling the brunch of the ginkgo trees, which are beginning to turn golden, creeps into the small open window of the hospital room.

Nakajima lays on the folding bed lined up with Yumiko's bed and is moving back and forth between dream and reality.

The brief period of repose seemed to evoke memories of the past and torture Nakajima.


As if responds to Nakajima’s voice, calling out her name in agony, the thick curtains blown up by the wind floated softly, and the pale moonlight streamed to the floor of the hospital room.

But after the wind stopped and curtains close, the pale light remained.

The pale light floated up, gently rippling like the moon reflected on the surface of the water, and disappeared as if absorbed by Nakajima's body.

In the dream, Nakajima was on the slope, Yomotsu-hira-saka that was connecting our world and Yomi.

His face contorted with anguish, looked back and forth along the winding, red-dirt barren slope, and kept running.

From a little further back, there were people chasing him.

Leading the way is Kondo. He is the man who beat Nakajima, injured him, and triggered Nakajima to activate the devil summoning program.

Kondo is chasing after Nakajima with blood ran down from the wound at his throat and soaked his school uniform with the blood.

Kyoko Takamizawa chasing from just behind Kondo, looking like a demon and shouting words of resentment.

She is the woman who liked Nakajima but was never taken seriously by him, and who made Kondo beat him up to relieve her grief.

A man chases after them with his arms flailing, with his broken head tilted back. He is the unlucky teacher who was killed because he happened to be at the scene of the devil summoning.

“Please forgive me!”

Nakajima continued a desperate running, breathing heavily and asking for forgiveness.

As Nakajima’s feet was caught in a crack in the ground and he fell. It gives Kondo a chance catches Nakajima and presses down on him.


Nakajima cannot hold back and call out the name of Kagutsuchi the Fire.

In a previous life, Kagutsuchi was the son of Izanagi and Izanami. However, as Kagutuchi’s birth was too difficult that Izanami died.

Izanagi mourned, lost his senses, and cut his own newborn son to death.

Then Kagutsuchi's soul became a fire spirit, guarding the tomb of his mother.

Then, following his mother's will, he transformed into a flaming sword and became the guardian of Nakajima.

After returning to Earth, Nakajima had not tried to call the name of Kagutsuchi until now for fear of hurting people.

However, he could no longer say such a thing.

When Nakajima called out its name, the sword of Kagutsuchi the Fire, which had been summoned from another dimension, was in Nakajima's right hand.

When Nakajima reaped his sword, Kondo was decapitated and fell backwards.


Kyoko was screaming and cutting with a razor, Nakajima stabs Kyoko's chest with his sword and runs selflessly up the hill.

At that moment, mixed with the wind blowing down from the front,

“Akemi-kun, come quickly!”, came Yumiko's voice.

Nakajima finally reached the top of the slope. Then in front of him, Yumiko waited him with her slender arms outstretched to him.


Nakajima, with relief, holds Yumiko's hand. Yumiko hugs him like a mother.

“You’ve really helped me out. Thank you, thank you……”

Nakajima muttered and nuzzled his face to her warm chest. But smelled a faintest odor and looked up.

His eyes widened in astonishment.

The skin around Yumiko's jewel-like eyes was ugly and sore, oozing pus.


Yumiko's sad face came closer. And the pus oozing out of the skin fell on Nakajima's face in a plop.

“Stop it!”

Terror made him cruel, and he swung up his hand, but it touched something warm and soft.

“Akemi-kun, what's wrong?”

Gentle voice woke Nakajima.

Fearfully opening his eyelids, Nakajima saw Yumiko's bandage-wrapped face peering at him with concern.

“I am sorry, I had a bad dream……”

Exhaling roughly, Nakajima wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

At that time, the two could not noticed the pale shadow of the Nightmare, which rose from Nakajima’s back disappear into the floor as if sucked in.