
The DDS Volume 3      Chapter 2 No2

Yokohama Station, 7pm.

The curfew enforced throughout the metropolitan area is not strictly observed in Yokohama City, 30 km from Tokyo Station.

As devils have never appeared here, so Yokohama City was regarded as a safer town than Tokyo. Therefore, the downtown area was busier than before.


A train from Tokyo arrives at Yokohama Station, the gateway to Yokohama City, and hundreds of passengers disembark at once. In the crowd, there was Muromachi, wearing a discreet, plain jacket.

After exiting the ticket gate, he wandered around for a while in the restaurants, bars and pubs district.

After five-minute walk, he looked up at a karaoke bar on the second floor of a building and stopped.

“Oh there......”

Muromachi clamped his lips and stepped onto the stairs.



Two were staring at him from the games arcade across the street.

“I knew he comes.”

A small man in a leather jacket with a scar on his cheek looked behind Muromachi with a cold smile.

He was Koji Kitazono, one of Muromachi's bad company.

“Oh my gosh, he’ll cause a commotion.'

The young man in the sunglasses who blurted out anxiously was Yuta Murai.

“You said him, she jilted him.”

As Kitazono said in that threatening voice, Murai mumbling out an excuse.

“I wanted to say it’s time to move on.”

“Anyway, let's park our car by that building and wait for Muromachi to get tossed out.'

Kitazono grinned and stood up.



Inside the karaoke bar, where Japanese enka are played, is crowded with a lot of businessmen.

The interior of the bar seemed bright, probably due to the large karaoke display and mirrored interior.

“Table for one.?”

The wait staff called out to him, but Muromachi ignored him and looked around the bar. And his eyes caught a woman with long hair who was acting flirtatiously with a drunken businessman at the counter.

It was Etsuko Shiono.

There were three cocktail waitresses in the bar. Among them, Etsuko's sex appeal was outstanding, with her sleeveless dress revealing her arms like white snakes.

Muromachi restrained his heart from pounding in his chest and took a seat in the corner of the counter.

“What would you like to drink?”

The tall cocktail waitress approaches languidly.

“I’d like a …… bottle of Remy Martine."

Muromachi sipped the most expensive brandy he could think of.

“Bottle of Remy Martine? How would you like it?"

The cocktail waitress gave a flirtatious look and asked.

Muromachi, continuing to glare at Etsuko, muttered,” on the rocks.”

“Do you want to call Etsuko? I'll go and get her for you.”

Muromachi's looks and behavior, seemed to have some reason, piqued her curiosity.

She moved closer to Etsuko and whispered something in her ear.

Etsuko was brushing her fingers through her long hair and turned around.

And that moment she made eye contact with Muromachi, her cheeks twisted and she turned away.

But she seemed to have recovered quickly and had smiled amiably at the customer in front of her.

Then she, shaking her hips as if to provoke, approached Muromachi and said.

“I hear you ordered a bottle of Remy Martin? How can you get such kind of money?'

Etsuko lights a cigarette while staring at Muromachi.

“Exactlly! You carried away all the money I had."

Muromachi said in disgust.

“I lived with you, like a dog in heat, for a year. That's enough, isn't it?"

The smoke and the words that came out of her mouth made Muromachi feel his vision filled with red.

At the same time,

(Let's go!)

(Let's go!)

(Let's go!)

A bewitching whisper is heard from deep inside the body and it springs to the surface of the body with a burning mass and blasts out with a slight pain.

Muromachi's surface of the body was covered with black warts.


Etsuko screamed and jumped backwards, which caused the bottle of brandy and glass to roll off the counter.

Etsuko tries to escape, but caught foot in the bottle and she falls over backwards.

Etsuko fell on her buttocks and tried to escape by backing up. Muromachi crouched beside her and grabbed her arm.

“Let go of me!”

Etsuko struggled to shake off his arm.

But a black wart fell from Muromachi's cheek and stuck to Etsuko's thigh.

The mass, which clung to the Etsuko’s white skin, wriggled in an unspeakable, eerie way.

It was black spider about as big as our palm.

With glazed amber-colored eight eyes, the spider crawls up Etsuko's leg.


She swung her hand around to an attempt to brush the spider off, but it leapt onto her hand and bit through a vein with its sharp fangs.

As if attracted by the blood, countless spiders sprang out of Muromachi's body and bit Etsuko's whole body.

The spiders that sprang from Muromachi's body attacked the drunken people who were trying to escape from the bar. The spiders bit their throats, backs and legs.

Inside the karaoke bar where the singer had been lost, the karaoke music was still playing and the screams were echoing..



Meanwhile, the two had been watching the door of the karaoke bar from a car parked on the street.

When they heard a scream in the bar, they saw Muromachi with unusual joy on his face, was coming down the stairs.

“What the hell, he's full of beans.'

They looked at each other, but when Muromachi passed the car, the two noticed that his jacket was wet in spots and glowing blue.

“Hey, isn't that……blood?'

Murai, in the driver's seat, his voice trembled.

Kitazono, in the passenger seat, his eyes sparkled with curiosity.

“It’s exciting. Get him in the car.”

“Yeah, about that……”

“Shut up!”

Kitazono patted an anxious Murai on the back, then reached out from the passenger seat and honked his horn.

 “Muromachi, did you talked with Etsuko?”

Hearing a loud voice from behind him, Muromachi came back to himself. He had not expected to meet his bad company in such a place.

“Where are you going dressed like that jacket? There's a police box over there. Get in."

Kitazono raised his voice. But,

'You guys……'

Muromachi looked back. As stared with his scary eyes, Kitazono took his breath away.

“They’re a pain in the neck. Will I kill them all?.”

Muromachi spoke to Larva in his mind.

“No, it's a good chance to make more real friends, don't you think so?”

An amused voice told him so.



Two hours later. 

Muromachi brought Kitazono and Murai to his apartment, which was permeated with a sour smell, as if something has rotted.

Then Muromachi sat in front of the door, like blocking it, and told them what had happened to him.

 “Wow! I didn't know you gained such a amazing power!”

Kitazono muttered in dismay. Next to him, a frightened Murai is half rising to his feet, looking for an opening to escape from this apartment

“So, what are you guys going to do?”

Muromachi narrowed his eyes and compared the two.

“I’ve heard so much, I can’t say goodbye now.”

Kitazono purses his lip as if he makes up his mind.

“No way, give me a break. I promise you never……never tell this anyone."

Murai backed away to the corner of the room, pressed his back against the wall and pleaded.

 “Why should we not join his group? It seems to be more exciting than high on drugs.”

When Kitazono turned towards Murai with abandoned attitude.

Chi Chi

Chi Chi Chi

Like a countless starving baby birds’ chirping sound, descended from above the head of the three.

As Murai noticed that two pairs of eyes floating on the ceiling, he let out a rasping scream.

Kitazono, meanwhile, stared at the ceiling with a pale face as if fighting fear.

“Larva. Give me the power to kill and deprive.”

A trembling voice tells it.

“Yes, certainly.”

A pair of eyes emitting a vicious silver light were sucked into Kitazono's body.

Kitazono were trembling his body from the shock of being possessed by Larva.

After watching Kitazono for a while, Muromachi now urged Murai.

“Now it's your turn.”

“Stop it, stop it.”

“You would be willing to become my prey……”

Muromachi comes closer, murmuring in a low voice.

When a faint black spot begins to appear on his face,

“Wait! ……wait a moment. It might be useful to have at least one normal person in our group. Don’t you think so?”

Kitazono, who seemed to have finally calmed down, extended a helping hand.

“I swear I never reveal any secrets. I'll do whatever you say.”

Murai rubbed his forehead against the tatami mats and begged for forgiveness.