
The DDS Volume 3      Chapter 2 No1

3 October.

A grass square lies between the high-rise buildings and Shinjuku Chuo Park.

Three years later, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building would be constructed here, but at this time it was still open to the public.

About 200 young people, dressed in white, were gathered in that square.

They were young people who had met Siren at the live house "Ananta" last night and had become enthusiastic fans of her. And white is the Siren's symbolic color.

“She’s still not here?”

“I wonder if she will come."

They are dissatisfied with the current state of Japan and are usually saying negative things about it, are staring at the stage set up in the grass square, their eyes shining with childlike anticipation.

It's like overlooking the square, an elevated road runs north-south.

From the shadows of that bridge pier of the road, when Siren emerged with a white dove on her shoulder, the young people exploded with cheers.

People walking along the elevated road were startled by the sudden gathering of a group of young people dressed in white, stopping to look down at them with curious eyes.

Among them was Tashiro, accompanied by members of the media.

“Mr. Tashiro, you've thought very well to organize a concert with the catchphrase Mass for the exorcism of devils.”

A newspaper reporter with a camera in his hand teasingly said.

“Really, it's clever, cunning and ingenious to create a religious organization with a singer as its guru. Only Tashiro-chan could have done that.

A TV producer with a news crew in tow laughs lightly.

“Well, just listen to her singing and you'll understand.”

Tashiro muttered, looking at Siren without showing emotion.

He didn’t entirely believe in the revelation of the white dove. But at least he knew better than anyone that the power of Siren's songs was extraordinary.

Soon after, Siren went on stage and began to sing in a beautiful voice that was out of this world.

Her voice is as light as a feather, wrapped people, is carried on the wind through the skyscrapers.

The eyes of the media, who had been standing there for a moment, began to shine like beasts of prey.

“Hey, video crew! Damn you! No way you can get a good shot from here! Fuck! Go downstairs and closer to her!"

The TV producer's angry voice, as if his personality changed, was the signal for the media people to start running to the downstairs.

To be pulled by them, the people who had been looking down at the stage from the elevated road began to descend the stairs one by one.

Siren finished singing her first song in an exotic language while setting the white dove free into the sky.

The grass square was already filled with the people, and the number was still swelling.

Tashiro, who had not gone down to the square himself, but was looking down at the stage from the elevated road with an ironic smile on his face, felt a gaze on his back and turned around.

“At last, the time has come that banner of the Society of St. Siren has raised.”

Sawatari, who looked as if he was possessed by something, was saying and approaching to him.

“I heard you've taken on the fundraising for us. I'm very grateful.”

Tashiro said. He didn’t seem really thanking him but Sawatari didn’t mind it.

“Her songs are worth it. I feel that Siren might be able to exorcise the devils.”

Sawatari said, leaning his body to the handrail and looking down the square.

Tashiro looked at Sawatari with steely eyes.

“Do you seriously believe such a thing?”

Tashiro asks in disgust. however,

“I'm not the only one who has had the White Dove’s revelation. You too….'

Sawatari looked meaningfully into Tashiro's face and pointed the scar on his forehead.

“Oonogi is also incredible. That hoodlum has been calling all the young men together for the Siren, without sparing time for sleep.”

“In fact, the dove is very good at picking the right stuff. You manage the cult, Oonogi gathers the people, and I do the propaganda…It's a god's choice, isn't it?"

Tashiro said self-mockingly and looked at the lightly overcast sky, as if seeking the white dove.