
The DDS Volume 3       Chapter1 No2

The day after Siren appeared in Shinjyuku. October 2 was a hot day like summer.

This is Shinkoyasu, Yokohama City.

It’s located in the center of a coastal industrial area, where company housing and apartments of major manufacturers line up along the Keihin National Highway.

Among them, there was an old, three-story apartment building with peeling paint.

The western sun penetrated through the dirty lace curtains, scorching the room.

The old air conditioner, left behind by the previous occupant of this room, roared noisily but didn’t cool the room at all.

“Damn it."

Muromachi sat up in bed and tossed a crumpled carton of cigarettes at the air conditioner.

Outside the window, a woman's handkerchief hanging from the small balcony swayed in the breeze from the air conditioner's outdoor unit.

It belonged to Etsuko Shiono, who had lived with him until a month ago.

It was last summer, when Muromachi was second-year of high school, that he  started living with Etsuko. Just before that she had been moving from place to place with other man.

Muromachi had always hated studying, and had been taken in by the police and suspended from school several times.

When he moved in with Etsuko, he quit high school and started working at a machine tool factory.

The daily wage was $35.

Combined with Etsuko's income from working as a waitress when she felt like it, they could make a reasonable living.

However, such a life didn’t last long.

When Etsuko began to earn a high income as a bar hostess, their relationship became awkward.

Muromachi's violent habits added to the problem.

A month ago, while Muromachi was at work, Etsuko left the house with all her belongings, including Muromachi's bankbook.

He had kept the handkerchief that Etsuko had forgotten to bring with her, and continued to live the life of a factory worker as before in the faint hope that she might come back to him.

However, yesterday, his hopes were dashed.

One of his friends said, Etsuko works at a bar in Yokohama, that she has already found a new boyfriend.

“Damn it!"

Muromachi said as if to throw up, and slipped his hand under the mattress.

He could feel the heavy weight of the army knife he had spent all the money he had last night to buy.

“Tonight, I'm sending you straight to hell.”

As Muromachi gazed at the silver blade, a foul-smelling wind suddenly blew against his cheeks.

He felt something above him and looked up at the ceiling then his face contorted in fear. Countless eyes, which could only be described as having sprung from the ceiling, were staring at him, blinking.


The blood drained from his face and he couldn’t move, like in paralysis.

Then a strangely familiar voice came to his cranium.

“My friend, what have you to fear?”


Muromachi's whole body stiffened with fear, and he couldn’t speak.

“I am going to give you the power to kill all the stupid humans at will, and enjoy the destruction to the fullest.” 

The voice was soft and gentle.

"Who are you!" he asked, confused and trembling.

“Our name is Larva.”


“Yes. We are a race of devils who are living off the hatred and anger of man. Because you have a rare and intense anger in your heart, please let us haunt in your body. Let us in___”

As Muromachi listened to the obsequious voice, the fear was gradually removed from his heart.

“Your hatred won’t be satisfied by the murder of a single woman, will it? Join with us, and you’ll get unparalleled power.”

With these words, Muromachi made up his mind.

“I was going to die anyway. If you want to haunt me, do it!”

As he nodded his head, countless eyes seemed to float up from the ceiling, and then they disappeared as if absorbed into Muromachi's body, leaving only a pair of large eyes emitting a sharp silver light.