
The DDS Volume3      Chapter2 No4

5 October.
Four representatives of the Liberal Party have been meeting in a conference room at the Liberal Party headquarters, adjacent to the National Diet Library.
They were Defense Agency Director Kato who is the Prime Minister’s right-hand man, Mr. Kanomata, gray-haired who is the Liberal Party’s elder, Mr. Isomura who is the neutrals’ representative, and Oota who is the Secretary-General.
“At last, the devil emerged outside Tokyo.”
Isomura’s voice sounded somber. However, the way he leaned forward on the table, holding a newspaper reporting on the incident in Yokohama, was full of life.
He seemed to insist that his turn had come.
“Don’t assume the Yokohama incident as the work of the devil. Do you have any evidence?”'
A grey-haired Kanomata interjected uncomfortably.
” Evidence? Twenty-six lives were taken in an instant, without the use of weapons. Who but the devil could have done such a thing?” Isomura said.
“Indeed. The police report says that body fluids were found that did not belong to man or beast.”
Kato says in a calm voice as he looks through the thick report.
“So what? Looking out emergence of the devil and fight them, should have been the job of the Defense Agency. And you are the Defense Agency Director, Mr. Kato. Isn't this a problem you need to sort out? If we had to gather every time a murder occurred, Japan's administrative and legislative functions would be paralyzed.”
Kanomata's words were not an accusation against Kato, but a dig at Ota.
“I’d like to apologize for that I asked you all to come together without a full explanation.”
Ota was deliberately bowed. But his face had completely regained its former vigor.
“But our hopes, that devils will never appear again and that the situation will be brought under control, were betrayed. Because of the way things are becoming serious and dangerous, I feel compelled to propose new legislative measures."
Ota looked around at everyone with a powerful gaze and took a paper from his desk drawer.
“The Bill for Defense of the Nation against the Devil”
Article 1  Anyone who assists the acts of devil’s aggression or who used the devil or who made a deal with the devil, shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life or imprisonment not less than ten years.
Article 2  Anyone who has a discussion for the purposes of Article 1, shall be punished with imprisonment for up to ten years.
Article 3   A person who incites another person to commit an offence under Article 1 shall be punished with imprisonment for up to seven years.
Article 4    Anyone who gives money or other property, or provides conveniences, for the purpose of causing a person to commit an offence under Articles 1 through 3 shall be punished with imprisonment for up to five years.
Article 5  If anyone who has committed an offence under Articles 1 through 4 surrenders himself, his sentence shall be reduced or exempted from punishment.
“Mr. Ota, you are going too far this time. This is just like the Security Law that was implemented before the Second World War in Japan.”'
Kanomata, who has been politically active since before World War II. said in disgust.
“Elder Kanomata, as it’s clear from the case of Set, which destroyed the metropolitan area, it is essentially the evil desire of human beings that attracts devils.
Any legislative measure cannot be too strict to end this. In the first place, the current law doesn’t even punish anyone who invokes devils.”
“No objections!” Isomura agree loudly, Kato who is the Prime Minister’s right-hand man silently agreed.
“I have no objection to Article1, but if even discussion is made punishable, we cannot avoid the accusation of a return to totalitarianism."
Kanomata reluctantly shifted his position when he saw that Kato, an influential figure, had agreed the Bill.
“The Bill for Defense of the Nation against the Devil” passed Parliament with bipartisan support only a week later.

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