
Episode 3: The Pact

Scene 1: A Strange Feeling

During the space warp, Adam reflected on how the Crystal species planned to establish their headquarters at the cold black hole in the Andromeda Galaxy. However, there was no sign of their fleet or any changes to the cold black hole, leaving him with an inexplicable feeling. With this lingering sense of mystery, Adam and his team arrived at the Solar System government headquarters aboard the Starship AI to report on their alliance with the Crystal species.

Scene 2: Internal Affairs of the Empire

Meanwhile, within the Empire, Lord Odin inspected the progress of new weaponry being developed with rare materials. He demanded further advancements and ordered all resources to be devoted to the project. The tension among the scientists increased as they rushed to accelerate their research and development.

Scene 3: Reporting to the Solar System Government

Adam and his team met with the president of the Solar System government, politicians, and military officials to report their journey through spacetime to another universe. They explained the Temporal Warlord’s plan, which affects all universes, and informed them of the Crystal species' cooperation in returning to their universe. Adam mentioned that part of the Crystal species' fleet was present in their universe to assist, but their exact location was unknown. The government officials expressed their concerns about how this plan might impact their universe.

Scene 4: Preparing the Special Forces

Adam's special forces tested new equipment incorporating the Crystal species' technology. New defense systems and weapons were introduced, significantly enhancing their combat capabilities. The special forces members, grateful for the new gear, continued their training to maximize its effectiveness.

Scene 5: Dialogue with the Dean

After reporting to the government, Adam and his team visited a secret facility where Dean Elias was located. The dean and scientists were disheartened by the ineffectiveness of the black hole bombs in the previous war, which had caused significant losses for the Alliance. The reason for the bombs' failure was still unknown. Starship AI then communicated that the black hole cores of the bombs emitted the same frequency due to being made from the same device. The dean and scientists realized their oversight and set about designing an alternate device for black hole creation. With renewed determination, everyone prepared to face the upcoming challenges. Additionally, Starship AI provided a prototype and blueprints for a new spherical weapon that did not contain a black hole.🍎

エピソード3: 盟約

シーン1: 不思議な感覚


シーン2: 帝国の内情


シーン3: 太陽系政府への報告


シーン4: 特殊部隊の準備


シーン5: 学長との対話

